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Gay Prop 8. And Lds Mormons (Active Mormons Only)?
I only want active lds mormons answering this questions please. So Prop 8 is heading to the surpreme court and it will most likely be ruled in favour of gay rights by a vote of 6 to 3. If thats the case? Then why did the mormon church make all us mormons get involved so hevely? What was the point? If it came from the apostles and the prohet? The biggest question of all, why did god allow it if it was abvious that california would have gay marriage. also, why didnt the church get involved in this election?
Answer: Here is a thought for you that the others have not mentioned. Sometimes the Lord allows wickedness to happen in order to make the judgment upon the wicked fully legitimate and leave them without excuse.
Consider Alma and Amulek who were forced to watch while their converts were burned alive for believing in their words. The wicked mocked the prophet and acused him of not saving his people with this mighty power of God that he talked about. Amulek was about to use that power to save the people and asked Alma why they couldn't intervene to save the people. Alma told Amulek that the spirit of God was restraining him from intervention that the judgments upon the wicked could be fully justified and leave them without excuse before God. The victims were received with glory into God's realm.
As for the current situation, the Latter-day Saints did participate fully in defending Prop 8 at the grass roots level with the encouragement of the Church. Now it is beyond the people to help at this point. It is up to the courts to decide and if the people (judges) choose that which is wrong, then God will hold them guilty and accountable for the wickedness that will follow. The Church Legal Department has offered legal briefs in support of marriage and Prop 8 throughout the process. We have not simply waited for the wicked people to have their way with the legal process.
Consider also the proving grounds that our efforts created for the Saints. In the future, we will be called upon to stand up and be counted for what we believe in and this was simply one test and preparation for what is to come. When Joseph organized Zion's Camp to redeem the Missouri Saints and to restore them to their lands, they failed in their stated purpose but out of that camp came all of the leaders of the Church needed to accomplish the move to Utah. Thus, it was a trial and a training for the Saints to prepare them for what was yet to come. I see this as something similar to that.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Supreme Court gay-marriage ruling will make NH same-sex divorce ...
At least one group of New Hampshire residents – a small group but a very involved one – will see their lives changed by Wednesday's Supreme Court ruling that struck down the Defense of Marriage Act: Same-sex couples ...
U.S. Supreme Court delivers wins for gay marriage movement ...
Roberts went out of his way to state that the court was not making any big pronouncements about gay marriage. The court, he said, did not have before it the question of whether states “may continue to utilize the traditional ...
What If Its (Sort of) a Boy and (Sort of) a Girl?
When Brian Sullivan -- the baby who would before age 2 become Bonnie Sullivan and 36 years later become Cheryl Chase -- was born in New Jersey on Aug. 14, 1956, doctors kept his mother, a Catholic housewife, sedated for three days until they could decide what to tell her. Sullivan was born with ambiguous genitals, or as Chase now describes them, - Elizabeth Weil on debate going on in urology and endocrinology establishment over rights of babies born with ambiguous genitals; debate has largely been driven by Cheryl Chase, who was born Brian Sullivan in August 1956 and surgically changed into Bonnie Sullivan 18 months later after doctors told her parents they made a mistake in assigning her sex; Chase argues that being born intersex should not be treated as shameful and that most important thing is for child to feel loved; agrees that intersex children should be assigned gender at birth, but but says that assignment should not be surgically reinforced and that parents and doctors should remain open to idea that they may be assigned wrong sex; photos; drawing (L) - Elizabeth Weil is a contributing writer for the magazine. Her last article was about a wrongful birth lawsuit. - By Elizabeth Weil
A home run but not a grand slam for gay-marriage advocates: In ...
The Justices did not make us wait: the first opinion of the day came in United States v. Windsor, the challenge to DOMA. But in yet another parallel to the historic health-care decision, the Court had to tackle a potentially thorny issue before moving on to the question whether DOMA is unconstitutional: whether it had the authority to hear the case at all, given that Windsor won in the lower court and the United States agrees that DOMA is unconstitutional. The Court ruled ...
So yesterday we had a pretty big victory......DOMA ruled unconstitutional....?
DOMA is now unconstitutional in the state of Massachusetts.
The ruling will likely be appealed............
but it appears that the ruling will be enforced Massachusetts while the case is still in progress at higher courts. :)
Your thoughts on this?
I have a very good feeling about this case. If it gets to the Supreme Court, Im pretty confident we will win.
Anthony Kennedy will strike down DOMA, just as he ruled in our favor twice before.
The other case, in California, Im not very happy about.
They claim prop 8 violates the 14th amendment............
and theres no way to stop this from reaching the Supreme Court unless they lose at the lower courts.
Im not saying they cant win.....but theyre much better off waiting 10 years to file this kind of lawsuit.
When gay marriage becomes the norm instead of the exception.
Fortunately, there is a big effort going on to get prop 8 on the ballot in 2012.
I believe a 2012 ballot measure will win, and will stop Perry v. Schwarzenegger from ever getting to the high court.
The effort to get prop 8 on the ballot in 2010 failed................and Im glad it failed because that was a lot more risky. Our chances of winning are much better during presidential years when theres higher turnout.
Enough with the premature ballot measures,
Enough with the premature lawsuits,
A 2012 Ballot Vote is what we need to win.
Your thoughts?
Answer: That is terrific news for lgbt persons in Massachusetts and I hope this prevails in the Supreme courts.
It's quite angering, knowing that in 2010 lgbt human and civil rights bills passed by the US Senate, are still all being taken to the Supreme Courts and being protested against, and/or are place on a public referendum.
Since this process is over repeated in the USA, I think it's about time American lgbt person got all together an bring a counter civil suit against. These anti gay Republican and Fundamental Christian separatist groups, who take every Senate passed bill to the Supreme Courts to have them removed and dissolved.
For a court ruling forbidding them to ever do this again, by introducing full anti discrimination laws used globally. Making it against the law in the United States, to discriminate against the equal human and civil rights and freedoms of any American citizen, just like in many global countries.
If these full anti discrimination laws were passed, there would be no more anti gay DADT laws or Prop 8's. Nor ethnic, colour, gender,sexual orientation, age, disability, or non or personal belief discrimination in employment, housing, partners rights, wages, etc, etc, because it will be totally against the law. This would not just benefit, just American lgbt persons, it would also benefit all Americans.
This is the only way that will put a final stop to this anti gay, gender, colour, ethnic, age, disability and non or religious bigotry in the USA to move on rather than remain at stale mate. By these over repeated court cases, always made by Republican and Fundamental Christian separatist groups.
Even if full anti discrimination laws were passed in California and Massachusetts, both these cases would be legally dropped out of the US courts on discriminational grounds, and could never be legally contested or publicly propositioned ever again.
Then there would be no ten year wait, or having to get prop 8 on the ballot. Because this could be taken to the Supreme court as a discrimination case against lgbt persons, living in California.
Category: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered
The English writer Daniel Defoe is best remembered today for creating the ultimate escapist fantasy, Robinson Crusoe, but in 1727 he sent the British public into a scandalous fit with the publication of a nonfiction work called Conjugal Lewdness: or, Matrimonial Whoredom. After apparently being asked to tone down the title for a subsequent - Russell Shorto article on mounting campaign by conservative groups to reduce access to contraceptives, even for married couples, in order to keep sex and procreation bound together; says opponents of contraception believe it encourages sexual promiscuity, homosexuality and other perceived forms of sexual deviance and preoccupation with sex that is unhealthful even within marriage; says they see separation of sex from procreation as attempt to serve selfish demands of individual at expense of family and society; discusses support campaign has found in Republican Congress and Bush administration; says idea of prescribing abstinence for those not having children within marriage has even become primary element of Pres Bushs overseas AIDS relief program, with disastrous results, according to some experts; photos (L) - Russell Shorto, a contributing writer, has written for the magazine about the anti-gay-marriage movement and religion in the workplace. - By Russell Shorto
The Listings: July 7 - July 13
Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the New York metropolitan region this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional
Gay Marriage News, Photos and Videos - ABC News
Live Updates: Day 2 of Gay Marriage at the Supreme Court ... That could change if proponents of gay marriage succeed before the Supreme Court. ... and later told The Associated Press that he was trying to make a point about institutional racism ... Immigration Reform Moves Forward, Massachusetts Goes To The Polls And ...
How to Get Married in Massachusetts - GLAD
make the information in this supplemental form, which includes each applicant's ... Probate Court to have their names changed or to wait 5 years before it would .... marriage because you are a same-sex couple, GLAD recommends moving on.
Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the Northeast this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, show times
Same-sex marriage in Iowa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Same-sex marriage in the U.S. state of Iowa became legal following a decision of ... lower court's ruling, making Iowa the third U.S. state to legalize same-sex marriage, ... other couples applied for marriage licenses before Hanson issued his stay. ... waiting period between the initial application for a marriage license and the ...
DING DONG, THE WITCH IS DEAD: Supreme Court strikes down ...
President Obama's issues statement on Supreme Court striking down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and in essence making gay marriage legal again in California: ... Perry will not be final for 25 more days (until after the time for a petition for rehearing has expired), and, after that happens, the Supreme Court will issue its mandate (order) sending the case back to the Ninth Circuit, which then has to issue its mandate sending the case back to the District Court.
Supreme Court decides this week whether to rule on gay marriage
Nov 24, 2012 ... In the past, the court has been faulted for waiting too long or moving too quickly on ... The justices did not strike down state bans on interracial marriage until 1967, 13 years after they had declared ... Making gay couples count
Is Obama going to legalize gay marriage?
I really dont know much about this, so nobody get nasty. Im a gay guy and 16. I really love how Obama is thinking about legalizing gay marriage in the US, so we have a society that is more accepting of gays and gay rights. My best friend is transgendered, and we both are planning on setting up a gay-straight alliance at our high school this year to prevent bullying and hating on people for being gay, because WE ARE BORN THIS WAY. WE DO NOT CHOOSE TO BE GAY. Do you choose to be straight? No, thats just the way your brain works. And this is the way our brain works. I know hes going to leave it up to the states to decide this, and most of New England legalized day marriage. Iowa did too and I heard that California is thinking about it. I live in Michigan, and I love it here, but if Michigan doesnt legalize gay marriage, I cant get married here and I cant make a life here. And I really dont want to move, I love it here too much. If anyone knows, did Florida legalize gay marriage, or are they thinking about it? But does anyone have input or accurate info on this? I really want to know about this. Thanks.
Answer: The President cannot legalize anything on his own. Congress has the sole power to initiate legislation. He can certainly influence it. It is doubtful whether a gay marriage bill could pass congress.
The ways gay marriage could be legalized:
1) By popular initiative - theoretically possible but society is not yet at the point where it will do this
2) By state legislatures - this is how some states have legal gay marriage as the legislatures legalized it
3) Congressional law - this is unlikely to happen any time soon though
4) Supreme Court - likely how gay marriage will be legalized nationwide, otherwise go back to steps 1-3 and wait maybe 20 years.
California had gay marriage. Voter initiative prop 8 banned it. It was challenged in court and struck down. The proponents of prop 8 are appealing to the supreme court. It is expected the Supreme court will uphold the decision but that may just apply to CA and not other states since CA was unique in that gay marriage was legal before it was banned.
Category: Current Events
Same-sex marriage in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Court decisions, starting in 2003, had already legalized same-sex marriage in ... Before passage of the Act, more than 3,000 same-sex couples had already .... making Ontario the first jurisdiction in North America to recognize same-sex marriage. ... immediately sought a marriage licence; the usual 20-day waiting period was ...
Gay Marriage Rulings Make MSNBC's Harris-Perry Sad Because ...
... have preferred an activist decision. She would prefer that federal legislators be able to force gay marriage on areas of the country moving too slowly for her tastes. ... MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry joined anchor Thomas Roberts on Wednesday to react to the Supreme Court's rulings on the cases relating to gay marriage rights in the United States. Harris-Perry threw cold water on ... 5 Things to Consider Before Coming Out at the Office · Résumé Lessons From a ...
US and World News | NBC Bay Area
The court will rule on the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act passed ... It blocks the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages in the states ... Republicans insisted they had started voting before the midnight deadline and ... The spy programs Snowden leaked about can make the U.S. look "like a ...
The Listings: June 16 - June 22
Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the Northeast this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, show times
In Mass., Markey readies to make jump to US Senate - NewsOn6 ...
Court to wait before making gay marriage move. A crowd at San Francisco City Hall applauded the news Wednesday that the U.S. Supreme Court had cleared the way for same-sex marriages to resume in California, but the ...
"Obamas Inaugural Mistake": Your opinions?
Some edited snippets of the article:
"It is difficult to comprehend how our president-elect, who has been so spot on in nearly every political move and gesture, could fail to grasp the symbolism of inviting an anti-gay theologian to deliver his inaugural invocation. And the Obama campaigns response to the anger about this decision? Hey, were also bringing a gay marching band. You know how the gays love a parade.
"But heres the other thing about Warren, the author of the bestselling book "The Purpose Driven Life": He was a general in the campaign to pass Californias Proposition 8, which dissolved the legal marriage rights of loving, committed same-sex couples.
"But heres the other thing about Warren, the author of the bestselling book "The Purpose Driven Life": He was a general in the campaign to pass Californias Proposition 8, which dissolved the legal marriage rights of loving, committed same-sex couples.
"We understand that the Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, a civil rights icon and a dear friend of LGBT Americans, will close the inauguration ceremony. But would any inaugural committee say to Jewish Americans, "Were opening with an anti-Semite but closing the program with a rabbi, so dont worry"?
"It is likely that one of two scenarios played out during behind-the-scenes inaugural planning, both of them equally troubling. The first possibility is that it was suggested that Warren is the correct voice to lead the inauguration because his selection would send a message of inclusion to evangelicals. And when someone at the table said, "Gay America will be offended by that choice," the quick answer was, "Thats fine, well deal with it. We invited the gay marching band."
"The second possibility is that no one at the table had a clue about Warrens anti-gay views and that the Obama team has been stunned by the broad and loud objections to the choice. Thats not encouraging, either.
"President-elect Obama must now, as my mother used to say, put some meat on the bone. Weve seen appointment after appointment of talented Americans who come from constituencies that are part of this country and that helped gain his election. Well, were one of those constituencies who actually worked and voted for Obama, unlike Warren and probably most of his 21,000 parishioners. Yet, were the ones left waiting for some real evidence of inclusion.
"So, are we angry about Rick Warren? You bet we are. And including a gay marching band in the inaugural festivities doesnt heal this wound. It only serves to make us question the promises that Barack Obama made in his historic quest to be president. We pray we werent misled."
Thank you for answering this, especially "χριστοφορος ▽ ♂" and Daedal who gave such comprehensive (although specifically different answers). All your answers are very much appreciated.
Thanks again.
Personally speaking, I was surprised that Obama hadnt chosen somebody more "middle of the road" for this role.
In the US, there are many gay-friendly churches and clergymen, one would have thought that he could chosen a member of the gay-friendly clergy to keep everyone happy.
Very interested comments made.
Thank you.
Answer: I think it was intentional on the part of Obama due to his previous actions against gay people.
First there was Obama having Donnie McClurkin as a part of his campaign. McClurkin has said that it is OK to hate gay people because God "hates the things that are purposed to destroy the ones He loves and are against His nature and design. He created me to be a whole man and to love one woman. Anything else is perversion of the male purpose" and Obama refused to remove him from his campaign.
Second, there was Obama refusing to have his picture taken with San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom. Newsom had previously said that a Democratic Presidential candidate refused to be pictured with him while refusing to mention which candidate it was. Former S.F. Mayor Willie Brown later confirmed that it was Obama who did not want to be pictured with Newsom because Newsom supports same sex marriage.
Third, there is the Rev. James T. Meeks who Obama has called a "spiritual counsel." Meeks, an Obama delegate who served on Obama's exploratory committee for President, helped launch a petition for the Illinois Family Institute to clearly understand "the threat of gay marriage." The Southern Poverty Law Center named Meeks one of the "10 leading black religious voices in the anti-gay movement" last year.
Fourth, Obama says that Don't Ask Don't Tell has to go "through a process and we’ve built a consensus or at least a clarity of what my expectations are so that it works. My first obligation as the president is to make sure that I keep the American people safe and that our military is functioning effectively."
Fifth, Obama now says that he will not commit to have his attorney general support a lawsuit against the Defense of Marriage Act, which denies federal recognition of same-sex marriages and gives states the right to refuse to recognize such marriages. Obama said he’s not sure the 1996 law would be overturned by the courts and he prefers a legislative solution.
I had suspected that he would throw his LGBT supporters under the bus for his own political gain due to his previous acts. My only surprise is that he is beginning to do so before he even takes the oath of office.
Obama's support for LGBT people is as thin as the paper his speeches are written on.
Category: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered
The Listings: June 23 - June 29
Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the Northeast this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, show times
The Listings: May 25 - May 31
Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the New York metropolitan region this week. ? denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional
Supreme Court to issue rulings on gay marriage |
Their once low-key love affair has put the couple from Burbank, California, in the national spotlight as co-plaintiffs in a monumental fight now before the Supreme Court that tests the generations-old concept of marriage. The same-sex ... Fourteen years ago, Zarrillo came out of the closet after moving to Southern California. The two met ... Californians, it seems, cannot make up their minds about gay marriage, and the issue has been down a complicated legal road.
Same-sex marriage in New York - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Same-sex marriage in the U.S. state of New York became legal on July 24, 2011, ... 2004, New Paltz Mayor Jason West married 25 same-sex couples before a .... the vote to ensure it would conclude in time to make the 11 pm EDT newscasts. .... its intention to move for leave to appeal the decision to the Court of Appeals, ...
Same-sex marriage in the United States - Wikipedia, the free ...
While several jurisdictions have legalized same-sex marriage through court ... was the case with interracial marriage before 1967 due to anti-miscegenation laws). .... waiting period for all marriages, making December 9 the first day same- sex ...
Is love always a action or can a man only not really know how to show it?
If my husband keep telling me to wait and its been a long time Im loyal and I keep waiting on God, as I continue to live away from him believing he really loves me, he refuses to live with me but he continues to live in the big house with his sister and her husband that there dad and mom owns, I want to be sure, I dont want another diverse again,Christians,reply only please: I want it to be Gods will before I give up, hes only 46, I take pretty good care of myself, I get hit on a lot but i still stay loyal to him even though were not together, my kids aren’t his & his kids aren’t mine, its my 3ed marriage its been 6 yrs married, he’s never been there financially or met my sexual or other needs 2 yrs separated now, I started all over living and raising my 3 kids alone like I did before we married him, he spends the night once in a while, and we keep in touch on the phone a lot, he had a heart attack 4 months ago but he was this way before, I still love him for no reason,
Answer: Honey, I wish you the best. If God is telling you to hold on, then that's what you do. I also like to say, that he is not a chirstian. He as a man need to read Proverbs (all of it ). A man is to leave his family and cleave to his wife and God ONLY!!! Honestly, if he has not been a man to you in all of those ways you have described and you have taken over as the head of household, then you need to continue to move on with your life. I will advise you to go to a therapist and see if there's something you are doing to cause the break ups in your life. That's not to say that there's a problem with you, but it could be in how you choose your mate. I don't make the best decision in picking my own men, I, like you, take care of myself and get allot of attention from the men around and even have had women to approach me( not my life style) I have a good job, beautiful apartment, nice car, I LOVE the LORD and I love going to church, but I choose the wrong men and I too have to find out why. I too have been married twice and trying to figure out is this relationship gonna last. He is the total oppossit of me. However, he is a good provider, as long as I keep check on his money, he is also good to me in bed, but he is not that emotional and you can't count on him when it's needed and you just can't depend on him. Your husband have gotten comfrotable with not being responsible and you have allowed him to behave this way. He is so wrong in every sense of the bible and christ does not like this. Move on continuously on your own. Don't let him keep staying when he is ready to stay, If he is not pleasing you in the bedroom, then how could you waist your time allowing him to botch something that suppose to bring you all closer. You are out on your own, time for you to stop leaving the ball in his court and tell him you are moving on and get on with your life. God want us to happy and this is not happiness. Maybe he is Gay. Have you thought about that? Take control of your life. Good luck.
Category: Marriage & Divorce
Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the New York metropolitan region this week. * denotes a highly recommended film concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional
The Listings: May 5 - May 11
Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the New York metropolitan region this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional
The Listings: June 30 - July 6
Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the Northeast this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, show times
Pro-Gay-Marriage Crowd Gathers - Washington Wire - WSJ
An overwhelmingly pro-gay-marriage crowd gathered at the Supreme Court ahead of today's decisions on same-sex marriage. ... pro-gay marriage crowd carried rainbow flags and wore rainbow clothing. Some of the signs read: ”2 moms make a right” and “'I Do' Support Marriage Equality.” ... As for same-sex marriage, she said that “Regardless of today's outcome, there is forward moving momentum on same sex rights. The tides have turned.” Phil Attey, 48, a politcial ...