On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.
On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

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On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.
On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

Jeb Bush has run into trouble

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.
On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

Jeb Bush, shown here with

Watch: On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls.
Watch: On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls.

Watch: On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls.

Watch: On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls.

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush

Scott Allen - The Washington Post
Scott Allen - The Washington Post

Scott Allen - The Washington Post

Scott Allen - The Washington Post

Scott Allen - The Washington

For 17th time in 11 years, Congress delays Medicare reimbursement.
For 17th time in 11 years, Congress delays Medicare reimbursement.

For 17th time in 11 years, Congress delays Medicare reimbursement.

For 17th time in 11 years, Congress delays Medicare reimbursement.

for the Washington Post.

The 7 best moments of George W. Bushs presidency - The Washington.
The 7 best moments of George W. Bushs presidency - The Washington.

The 7 best moments of George W. Bushs presidency - The Washington.

The 7 best moments of George W. Bushs presidency - The Washington.

The Washington Post

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.
On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

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Rubio says he would not have invaded Iraq knowing what we do now.
Rubio says he would not have invaded Iraq knowing what we do now.

Rubio says he would not have invaded Iraq knowing what we do now.

Rubio says he would not have invaded Iraq knowing what we do now.

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J.D. Harrison - The Washington Post

J.D. Harrison - The Washington Post

J.D. Harrison - The Washington Post

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Scott Brown just got the worst introduction ever - The Washington Post

Scott Brown just got the worst introduction ever - The Washington Post

ever - The Washington Post

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.
On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

George H.W. Bush with sons

Jeb Bush Now Wont Say Whether He Would Have Invaded Iraq, Where.
Jeb Bush Now Wont Say Whether He Would Have Invaded Iraq, Where.

Jeb Bush Now Wont Say Whether He Would Have Invaded Iraq, Where.

Jeb Bush Now Wont Say Whether He Would Have Invaded Iraq, Where.

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Whos most likely to end up as Republicans nominee in 2016.

Whos most likely to end up as Republicans nominee in 2016.

Whos most likely to end up as Republicans nominee in 2016.

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On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.
On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce.

On the trail, Jeb Bush faces

The most surprising gay marriage poll weve seen in a while

Everyone wants to know whether Jeb Bush can survive his support for Common Core and comprehensive immigration reform in todays Republican Party. One deal-breaker that might surprise people, though: His opposition to gay marriage. NBC News and .

Lazy Saturday Afternoon Reads: Pi Day Edition | Sky Dancing

This year, Pi Day (named for the first three numbers of the mathematical constant and first officially celebrated in 1988 in San Francisco) has special significance ��� at 53 seconds after 9:26 a.m. and p.m. (9:26:53), the date and the time will.. fail to include relevant information about prominent Republicans who have engaged in similar use of private email accounts while in office, specifically former Secretary of State Colin Powell and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

Biden warns Hillary: I havent made up my mind

Shadows linger - As Iraqs prime minister arrives at the White House seeking billions in aid to keep up the fight against ISIS amid questions about deepening ties to Iran, Democratic voters will be reminded of one of their primary reservations about.

Hillary Rodham Romney? Keep an Eye on OMalley (Video.

Only when Romney wrapped up the Republican nomination did conservatives become resigned to his nomination and embrace him for the fall election. Clinton. Jeb Bush Cant Be Nominated.. Plenty of people will ask OMalley and Clinton questions, but the questions wont be good and as a result the candidates will turn them to their advantage... The right wing comments are bizarre, especially after the biggest FU of all time, the Bush/Cheney Iraq ���project���.

This poll question is very bad news for Hillary Clinton

Clinton, who will be 69 on election day, will be the older of the two general election nominees -- no matter who Republicans nominate. (Jeb Bush, at 61, is of Clintons generation. People such as Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, both in their early- to mid.

Whos most likely to end up as Republicans nominee in 2016 presidential race

If theres one thing you can say about the 2016 Republican presidential field, it is this: It is going to be huge. There are as many as 23 names on some long (long) lists of potential candidates. Thats twice(!) as many people as have run for the GOP.

PBD - Progressive Blog Digest: 03/01/2015 - 04/01/2015

http://www.vox.com/2015/3/28/8305229/jeb-bush-andrew-ferguson.. Republican presidential hopeful Rand Paul filed an amendment to the Senate budget on Wednesday calling for a significant boost to defense spending, a reversal for the libertarian senator who has previously called for across-the-board cuts to.. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2015/03/03/jeb-bush-pounces-on-hillary-clintons-e-mail-woes-but-hes-not-perfect-either/

Why a Republican Controlled Congress Is Great For Hillary.

There are three reasons why Democrats benefit from a Republican controlled Congress and a country thats placed their hopes on conservative politics to change the course of our nation.. Perhaps no politician earned as many IOUs as Kentuckys junior senator, who appeared in at least 32 states on behalf of GOP candidates. In contrast, Ted Cruz appeared in. Here is the full list from The Washington Post of the 54 times the House voted to repeal the ACA. Even if��.

Jeb Bush and his allies form leadership PAC and super PAC, both dubbed Right.

This post has been updated. Former Florida governor Jeb Bush and his supporters launched two new political action committees on Tuesday as he moves closer to a 2016 presidential campaign, underscoring his desire to get a head start on his potential.

Mike Huckabee: Popular but not seen as presidential

By comparison, the Post-ABC poll has also surveyed Rand Paul, Jeb Bush and Chris Christie in separate polls in 2014, and none trailed by as much as Huckabee does now. Clinton leads him by 17 points among political independents, by 27 among .

The Early Word: Democratic Debate Reviews - NYTimes.com

The Washington Post pointed out one moment in particular where Mr. Edwards put Mrs. Clinton on the spot:. Edwards pounced, arguing that Clinton had offered evasiveness when Americans want honesty and consistency from their leaders.. The Wall Street Journal today showcases an analysis of campaign spending by the candidates, which reveals that some of the Republicans are spending the heaviest in Florida, while the Democrats are spending a lot in Iowa��.

Obama has set the parameters for 2016: Middle-class.

Additionally, his policy proposals on income inequality laid down a marker with which candidates for the White House in 2016 will have to grapple.. Heck, even Republicans are getting into the act, with fresh-faced rebels such as, ahem, Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney 3.0 talking about the need for their party to focus on the stagnation of middle- and working-class incomes. But this is... The question for you is: who is this world for?.. I just stumbled onto this - cant wait!

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce

The stumbles mark the toughest period yet for Bushs still-undeclared campaign and have lit a fire under his likely GOP opponents, many of whom have happily proclaimed that they would not have authorized the Iraq invasion under those conditions. Many.

Breaking World News Latest Real-Time Updates

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce ��� Washington Post �� TIME On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce. Washington Post RENO, Nev. ��� Jeb Bush came face-to-face��.

Dan Quayle set to co-host super PAC fundraiser for Jeb Bush

Former vice president Dan Quayle is set to co-host a fundraiser in Arizona next week for a super PAC backing Jeb Bush, one of a series of high-dollar events that the former Florida governor is headlining as he mulls a possible presidential bid. The.

George HW Bush, Barbara Bush to attend Houston fundraiser for Jeb Bush

Why have just one former president named Bush help you out when you can have both? Turns out that Jeb Bushs fundraising swing through Texas this week will not only bring out his brother, a former president, but also his father and mother.

Democratic Jewish voters inch toward the GOP

A new Gallup poll shows a continuing shift in the political affiliation among American Jews, with more and more of this voting bloc leaning Republican. While they leaned Democratic 71-22 in 2008, they now favor the blue team 61-29 after a slow but.

Obamas Free Community College Plan Promises To Shake.

Posted: 01/09/2015 9:46 pm EST Updated: 01/09/2015 10:59 pm EST. BARACK OBAMA. Influential Washington Republicans immediately pounced on the idea, dismissing it as federal overreach. Congress has declined to.. SPRINGHILL, WV- MAY 12: Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama... We use this personally identifiable information to gather opinions on questions about your local political jurisdictions, and to send you e-mails about website maintenance etc.

In the Senate, where Ted Cruz played rough, scarce praise for his presidential run

Grass-roots pioneer Richard Viguerie called him a ���top-tier movement conservative.��� And the Tea Party Patriots hailed his entry, saying Cruz had ���yielded to no one��� in championing its values. Meanwhile, for Cruzs Republican colleagues in the Senate.

President George W. Bush wasnt unintelligent. In fact, he.

Everyone knew that this was the true meaning of the question. Kudos to that. Try defending a sentence you inserted into a draft speech, with President Bush pouncing on the slightest weakness in your argument or your word choice... than a month after Israels top general during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Moshe Yaalon, told the Sun that Saddam ���transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria.��� Both Israeli and U.S. intelligence observed large truck convoys

Which 2016 GOP contender has the most foreign policy experience?

Second, the wealth of 2016 GOP contenders will make it difficult for the foreign policy folk to congregate around one particular candidate. This is not going to be like the 2000 campaign, when George W. Bush essentially co-opted all of his fathers.

Secret Service agents investigated after car hits White House barricade

Agency spokesman Brian Leary confirmed the investigation after questions from The Washington Post, saying the Secret Service was ���aware of the allegations of misconduct involving two of our employees.��� He declined to specify which allegations are the .

Tea Party Patriots | News Briefing for Monday, February 23.

Republicans are pouncing. In a letter sent late Friday to the Department of Health and Human Services, Rep. Pete Roskam, R-Illinois, demanded answers, writing ���This error has created additional uncertainty in a tax season already... The panel includes: Robert Gibbs, former White House press secretary; Michael Gerson, columnist for The Washington Post; Nia-Malika Henderson, national political reporter for TheWashington Post; and Amy Walter, national editor for��.

Communities Dominate Brands: 2016 Republican Primary.

Now inspite of strong candidates, some will stumble (my three-part plan is, oops) while others have skeletons that come out (the many loves of the pizzaman) while others will self-implode by moronic megalomania (moonbase!). So we.. So after the Florida primary we have one of Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio still in the game - who has won the most of Floridas delegates (but like Texas if the primary is in March it will be dividing its delegates proportionately). Rubio is��.

Why Congress doesnt need to shut down Homeland Security this week

The Department of Homeland Security will run out of money if Congress doesnt approve a new round of funding for the agency before Saturday. Republicans have threatened to withhold appropriations for the agency until President Obama halts his recent .

When whacko birds come home to roost | GOPLifer

People have learned to assume that a Republican candidate is winking when he speaks on certain subjects. No, Jeb Bush is not actually going to repeal the minimum wage. He is not going to roll back equal rights for gay and��.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich heads to early primary state of South Carolina

Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a long-talked about potential Republican presidential contender, will travel to South Carolina next week to promote his hawkish brand of fiscal politics in one of the GOP primarys early voting states. Kasichs trip -- his first.

Biden warns Hillary: I havent made up my mind.

Biden made the statement in a roundtable discussion with reporters at the White House Monday including The Detroit News a day after former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced her run for the Democratic nomination.. Shadows linger - As Iraqs prime minister arrives at the White House seeking billions in aid to keep up the fight against ISIS amid questions about deepening ties to Iran, Democratic voters will be reminded of one of their primary reservations��.

Tea Party Patriots | News Briefing for March 21

The summit, which will also include appearances by at least nine potential Republican presidential candidates, is free for South Carolina conservatives and includes a free lunch, courtesy of the Tea Party Patriots, a national coalition of tea party. With years of campaign and political experience, Flynn will lead the Tea Party Patriots Citizens Funds efforts to grow the Tea Partys presence in Congress as it continues its fight against the Washington establishment.

Jeb Bush, meeting with potential donors, looks to draw contrast with Romney

Jeb Bush, in Washington Tuesday to meet with supporters of his exploratory presidential campaign, talked up the importance of connecting with an increasingly diverse American electorate -- and said recent Republican presidential candidates had fallen.

GOP leaders stumble on Day One - POLITICO.com

With their eyes fixed on August recess, GOP leaders were forced to pull the bill Thursday afternoon after rank-and-file lawmakers flipped from ���yes��� votes to ���no��� votes, as the chamber descended into chaos just hours. GOP sources are hopeful small changes to the legislation could garner enough backing to pass it.. Please see the Comments FAQ if you have any additional questions or email your thoughts to commentsfeedback@politico.com.. Growing Up Jeb��.

Scott Walker Is Still Clearly a Work in Progress | Mother Jones

Walker is so unprepared to talk about foreign policy that he gets quickly trapped into suggesting that we put more American troops into Iraq and Syria to fight ISIS.. can moderate swing voters win jeb (or anyone) the GOP nomination? after the general election losses by mccain and romney, plus the 2014 midterm wins, i think the republican base is going to be ready to nominate a a. The problem Jeb has is that hes Bush 3.0, and nobody liked the first two versions.

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