Obama budget includes $2T in tax hikes

Greene Opinion: 04/10/13
Greene Opinion: 04/10/13

Greene Opinion: 04/10/13

Greene Opinion: 04/10/13

Obama raising taxes $2T,









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Bill Clinton: Hike taxes across the board - MJ Lee - POLITICO.com
Bill Clinton: Hike taxes across the board - MJ Lee - POLITICO.com

Bill Clinton: Hike taxes across the board - MJ Lee - POLITICO.com

Bill Clinton: Hike taxes across the board - MJ Lee - POLITICO.com

Bill Clinton: Hike taxes

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Obamas top economic aide









Greene Opinion: 04/10/13
Greene Opinion: 04/10/13

Greene Opinion: 04/10/13

Greene Opinion: 04/10/13

Obama raising taxes $2T,





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L.A. Officials to Raise $10 Mil for Exec Amnesty Applicants.

L.A. Officials to Raise $10 Mil for Exec Amnesty Applicants.

L.A. Officials to Raise $10 Mil for Exec Amnesty Applicants.

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that Greeces new far-left





Paul Ryan: Obama Exploiting Envy Economics with Tax Plan - Breitbart
Paul Ryan: Obama Exploiting Envy Economics with Tax Plan - Breitbart

Paul Ryan: Obama Exploiting Envy Economics with Tax Plan - Breitbart

Paul Ryan: Obama Exploiting Envy Economics with Tax Plan - Breitbart

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In CNN Interview, Obama Commits to Appeasement - Breitbart

In CNN Interview, Obama Commits to Appeasement - Breitbart

In CNN Interview, Obama Commits to Appeasement - Breitbart


Mitt Romney slams NH Bridge to Nowhere

HILLSBOROUGH, N.H. ��� The 2012 presidential campaign has its own ���bridge to nowhere.��� Mitt Romney used a 19th-century stone bridge here today to anchor his attacks against President Barack Obama, calling the 2009 economic stimulus the ���largest .

More privacy sought for Obama healthcare website

The Obama administration may need to make still more changes to protect consumer privacy on the governments health insurance website.. Obamacare Surtax on Investment Income (Tax hike of $123 billion Jan. 2013) - ACA Tax on Health. those taxes. It is possible you are a Fox News listener and are just parroting their line.. Additionally, John Boehner ordered his Congressional Budget Office to determine the cost of Obamacare to the taxpayer. It determined it��.

Bill Clinton: Hike taxes across the board - MJ Lee. - Politico

Bill Clinton said Tuesday that President Barack Obamas goal of hiking taxes on the rich alone is not enough to solve the countrys fiscal woes and suggested that middle class Americans must also eventually contribute more. Clinton, who. ���This is just me now, Im not speaking for the White House ��� I think you could tax me at a 100 percent and you wouldnt balance the budget,��� said Clinton, who has earned tens of millions of dollars since leaving office. ���We are all��.

Latest - from FNC Trish Turner on Capitol Hill (rough notes.

***HE WOULD NOT say if REVENUES is part of any ���enforcement mechanism��� or ���trigger.��� ***���There are no tax increases in this bill.��� #### Trish Turner Fox News Channel Senior Capitol Hill Producer ������������������������-. Posted in:. In trying to resolve the crisis in Ferguson (which includes getting ALL the facts regardless of what they may be), what are the ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES of Attorney General Eric Holder going to Ferguson tomorrow? 8/19/14 at��.

Obama administration to seek $1.2 trillion debt ceiling.

The puppets and droogs will spend the next year continuing to act as if Obamas sent us down the river, but the tides been turning and itll be harder for them every day to continue all these Fox News arguments.. Increase taxes to the wealthiest for the next 10yrs since theyve enjoyed over 10yrs of tax cut, that would probably fetched additional $700billion in revenue that would be generated each year making a grand total of about $1.7Trillion/yr of savings and in��.

Obama issues executive order on natural gas

The order creates a working group that includes various White House offices such as the Council on Environmental Quality and National Economic Council, as well as relevant cabinet departments and agencies like Interior, EPA and Department of Homeland.

Geithner Warns Lawmakers Debt Standoff Risks U.S. Default

Obama and Congress both return to Washington tomorrow after an abbreviated Christmas holiday. They have five days before a deadline that would start to trigger more than $600 billion in tax increases and spending cuts that might cause a U.S. recession.

Senate Democrats offer budget plan with tax increases and.

The plan, offered by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray, D-Wash., would seek $975 billion in spending reductions over the next 10 years as well as $975 billion in new tax revenue, which she said would be raised by. Echoing some of President Barack Obamas ideas from a 2010 infrastructure investment proposal, from his 2011 American Jobs Act, and from his budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2013, Murrays blueprint also calls for a $100 billion��.

Shared responsibility and the medical device tax

Yes, the ACA pays for itself and does not increase the federal deficit (I know Obamacare haters cant stand to hear this, and its true -- Obamacare reduces the federal deficit, demonstrated repeatedly by the Congressional Budget Office and the.

Barney Frank on the White House Rollout of Obamacare: They just lied to people.

Frank suggests that the Obama administration could have avoided some trouble by not making the promise. But the question is whether the law would have passed without an explicit vow that people could keep their plans and doctors. White House officials .

Poll: Americans like the rich class

Even as the president has called on the rich to pay their ���fair share��� in taxes, the Occupy Wall Street protests, and amid a public debate over the so-called Buffett rule, American views of the rich have not changed significantly in over 20 years. In.

Why The Tax Cut Deal Isnt Cutting It. | Rortybomb

. this diagram around the Hill. James Kwak dissects this chart and the narrative that Obama won on this deal; Ill���. While it would require new legislation to extend the cuts, the Republicans will describe the failure to extend the cuts as a tax increase on middle class workers���Democratic officeholders have had. Frankly, it seemed pretty dumb all along to be making such a big deal about $700B while insisting on a $2T budget-buster. But given the weakness of the��.

This Aint the 1990 Budget Deal - FrumForum

Most notable was raising the top marginal tax rate from 28 percent (the Reagan low) to 31 percent (itself a setup for the 1993 Clinton tax hike of this rate all the way up to 39.6 percent). ��� Not only did... This lie has been fuelled by most of the Media , Palin ,Bachman, Limbaugh , McCain, all of Fox News and add whomever you can think of, there are plenty of them. Since when is.. The president wont veto a short term deal that does not include any tax hikes. It is that��.

Reince Priebus: Caterpillar still crawlin

. is a fiction that the Democrats have created, and the real war on women is the war that this president has put forward on the American people by not following through on his promises, by having women disproportionately affected by the Obama economy.���.

Obamacare sign-ups beat expectations: US

Sorry, dont believe it coming from the administration that stated If you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor, period, among other distortions aka lies. How many of the 7 million were without insurance previously? Answer: Dont know. How many.

The media disconnect - Daily Kos

Everyone wants a tax cut but to pay for Federal budget is going to require a $2T tax increase. Medicare tax. Obama even now talks about long term deficit and includes Medicare and Social Security. That is... Really, way too many in the traditional media -- even the so-called real reporters who dont work for the rightwing Pravda, Fox News -- are deeply invested in keeping the silly drama and gossip alive, and putting themselves front and center in the middle of it.

Bush GSA head Lurita Doan blasts Obama

The former head of the General Services Administration under George W. Bush on Monday accused President Barack Obama of trying to ���divert attention��� away from the GSAs recent scandal by blaming his predecessor, saying, ���Blaming anyone else for their .

10 Things the GOP Doesnt Want You to Know About the Debt

Like Arizona GOP Senator Jon Kyl, Cantor shifted the burden to Speaker John Boehner, Senate Minority Mitch McConnell and President Obama to get over this impasse on taxes. For his part... But the Ryan budget includes $6 trillion in new debt over the next 10 years, which means that to become law, the Ryan budget would require a substantial increase in the debt ceiling... Geithner could reduce the national debt by $2T through a simple bookkeeping trick.

Will Boehner pull a Reagan at Reykjavik and walk? - Reuters

Will House Speaker John Boehner commit Republicans to raising $1 trillion in taxes as part of President Obamas last-minute push for as much as a $4 trillion debt reduction deal? Obama and the GOP. After months of demanding clean increase to avert economic calamity (default), WH threatens economic calamity (default) unless they get economic calamity (trillions in tax hikes). No wonder these. That Team Obama wants higher higher taxes is not news. But the��.

Debt No More! How Obama can defeat Austerity Thugs by Using the Constitution.

Woody Holton, in his book Unruly Americans and the origins of the constitution, among others, make a strong argument that having a strong central government that was able to tax and subsequently pay its debts, was actually a founding principal of the .

Political Highlights Debt Ceiling Showdown August 1-2.

Political Highlights Debt Ceiling Showdown August 1-2, 2011: Debt Ceiling Crisis Averted House and Senate Pass Bipartisan Compromise Bill ��� President Obama Signs Budget Control Act of 2011 into Law... $2 trillion from the federal budget. It also means Congress doesnt have to deal with the debt ceiling again until 2013. Many Republicans say it still does not cut enough spending, while many Democrats slammed the deal because it does not include tax hikes���

Assume a Can Opener* | Econbrowser

Let me say upfront that this scoring doesnt include tax revenue responses of either a Keynesian or supply side sort due to behavioral changes. I am confident that if... Ryans budget is only 13% less than Obamas in 2022 and it includes and average increase in spending of 3% per year. So I think we. That was the $2T transition problem with Bushs SS plan and its the same problem here. The only way to. Looks like Fox News has snookered you again. 2slugbaits��.

In post-debate spin room, conversation shifts to Obama effectiveness

Deploying the weapon of mockery, President Barack Obama used the third and final debate Monday night to try to portray his Republican challenger Mitt Romney as entirely out of his depth on foreign policy, a tactic Republicans portrayed as over-the-top.

Obama, Navy Lying To Congress On Carriers: Seapower.

Shrinking budgets may be forcing hard choices on the federal government, but Forbes believes the Obama administration is imposing needlessly painful choices on the Pentagon without being honest about it.. refit ��� $243 million for planning, $300 million for new nuclear reactor cores, and $450 million for advanced procurement of other long-lead-time materials ��� seem to have vanished between last years budget plans and the one the president just presented.

UPDATED: Things fall apart: debt ceiling deal unraveling as.

Now, with word that John Boehner has abandoned all hope of a $4 trillion ���grand bargain��� to raise the debt ceiling and cut twice the increase out of the budget, Im starting to think that Wapo story was an early warning sign that the speaker is. The Republican position on tax increases was nothing new to Obama, who appears to have ignored Boehners oft-repeated ���bottom-line,��� that a deal not include any new taxes.. If its accurate, Obama may be crazy like a fox.

Lost Lerner emails draw GOP ire Wyden keeps inversions on the burner Internet.

The Republican governor said Monday hell continue such off-year budgets if re-elected because Ohios two-year budget cycle moves too slowly. Kasich received praise during an event at the Mid-Ohio Food Bank for the bills package of tax cuts. They.

Tim Skubick: Gov. Rick Snyder doesnt take credit for job creation, but he.

It was President Obamas 11th hour rescue of GM and Chrysler that produced the new employment. And others point out the current recovery started just as former Gov. Jennifer Gramholm was leaving office. She missed it by ���that��� much. Since the economy .

The SandP Downgrade and Tax Revenue Increases (or lack.

Lets not forget that Obama and Boehner were apparently close to a much more ambitious deal that would have included cuts to entitlements and $800 bn in new revenues. And it was the absolute,.. You sound like a Fox News viewer. Bryce Ratings agencies. It was bad enough that they made a $2T error, but even after conceding the point and agreeing with Treasurys analysis the clowns at SandP refused to let the revised facts change their minds. Sound familiar?

Obama budget includes $2T in tax hikes

President Obama has packed more than 20 new tax increases into his proposed 2016 budget, which Republicans roundly blasted Monday as a tax-and-spend agenda that wont get their support. Together, the tax increases total more than $2 trillion over the .

Bill Clinton: Hike taxes across the board

Bill Clinton said Tuesday that President Barack Obamas goal of hiking taxes on the rich alone is not enough to solve the countrys fiscal woes and suggested that middle class Americans must also eventually contribute more. Clinton, who. ���This is.

House GOP offers stopgap funding

At the same time the GOP allows for up to $85.1 billion in overseas contingency funds for the military��� $26.5 billion more than President Barack Obama has requested for the new fiscal year that begins Oct. 1.. The extension of the Internet tax.

Obama should veto any Gang of 12 plan that doesnt.

Yesterday, President Obama said the Gang of 12 super committee created by the debt deal should come up with a deficit reduction package that relies on tax reform and Medicare adjustments to achieve budgetary savings.. In fact, since the budget proposed by the President would lower revenue and increase the deficit for 2012, if it had been finalized, the baseline might change for the Dirty Dozen.. [new] The Gang must find $2T in cuts AFTER the bush (0+ / 0-).

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