Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to 'listen,' work with allies on trade deal




Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on.
Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on.

Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on.

Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on.

trans-Pacific trade accord

Hillary Rodham Clintons tenure as Secretary of State - Wikipedia.
Hillary Rodham Clintons tenure as Secretary of State - Wikipedia.

Hillary Rodham Clintons tenure as Secretary of State - Wikipedia.

Hillary Rodham Clintons tenure as Secretary of State - Wikipedia.

Clinton with Pakistani Prime




Clinton urges Obama to work




Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on.
Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on.

Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on.

Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on.
Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on.

Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on.

Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on.

Hillary Clinton calls on Obama

Cleveland Prosecutors release investigation documents in Tamir.
Cleveland Prosecutors release investigation documents in Tamir.

Cleveland Prosecutors release investigation documents in Tamir.

Cleveland Prosecutors release investigation documents in Tamir.

Tamir Rice case - LA Times

Clinton: Obama should use trade fight to his advantage.
Clinton: Obama should use trade fight to his advantage.

Clinton: Obama should use trade fight to his advantage.

Clinton: Obama should use trade fight to his advantage.

The Latest: Clinton says Obama

Pacific trade pact a tricky issue for Hillary Clintons candidacy.
Pacific trade pact a tricky issue for Hillary Clintons candidacy.

Pacific trade pact a tricky issue for Hillary Clintons candidacy.

Pacific trade pact a tricky issue for Hillary Clintons candidacy.

Pacific trade pact a tricky

Hillary Clinton: Obama Should Listen To Nancy Pelosi On Trade
Hillary Clinton: Obama Should Listen To Nancy Pelosi On Trade

Hillary Clinton: Obama Should Listen To Nancy Pelosi On Trade

Hillary Clinton: Obama Should Listen To Nancy Pelosi On Trade

Also on HuffPost:

Hillary Clinton: Obama Should Listen To Nancy Pelosi On Trade
Hillary Clinton: Obama Should Listen To Nancy Pelosi On Trade

Hillary Clinton: Obama Should Listen To Nancy Pelosi On Trade

Hillary Clinton: Obama Should Listen To Nancy Pelosi On Trade

Hillary Clinton: Obama Should

Hillary Rodham Clintons tenure as Secretary of State - Wikipedia.
Hillary Rodham Clintons tenure as Secretary of State - Wikipedia.

Hillary Rodham Clintons tenure as Secretary of State - Wikipedia.

Hillary Rodham Clintons tenure as Secretary of State - Wikipedia.

Secretary of State Clinton and




Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on.
Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on.

Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on.

Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on.

Clinton urges Obama to work

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Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Theres no mandate in the US that requires paid time off be given to employees, .. You say.

Lunch Hosted by State Secretary Hillary Clinton.
Lunch Hosted by State Secretary Hillary Clinton.

Lunch Hosted by State Secretary Hillary Clinton.

In their statements before the toast, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. of its alliance, that the.

Ted Cruz On Iran Nuclear Negotiations: This Deal Makes War A Certainty

While Democrats and their Republican allies could likely defeat the amendment, Democratic lawmakers have expressed frustration with being put in the position of publicly voting against pro-Israel legislation in order to preserve the Iran oversight bill.

Do you think Hillary Clinton could beat President Obama.

A radio host in Southern California named John Phillips wrote a piece in the Los Angeles Times titled Why Hillary Clinton Must Run in 2012. In it, he lays out why he thinks Clinton could win the Oval Office this time around.

Obama Accused Democrats Of Lying About Trade Deal, And.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) warned. Y.) said. Obama said Friday that TPP makes substantial, progressive improvements over the 1993 North American Free Trade Agreement signed into law by President Bill Clinton.. It is time for Democrats to remember who votes for them, not who gives them money. There was zero dollars on work/employment bills while bankers, wall street and corporations got trillions and trillions. Hillary will be worse. Reply ����.

Obama Accused Democrats Of Lying About Trade Deal, And They Arent Having It

WASHINGTON -- Democrats are not happy about President Barack Obamas accusation that they are being dishonest about his trade agenda. Last week, Obama told reporters that Democrats, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who have called his .

Congress Unconvinced By Iran Deal Hard Sell By Obama Administration

���My serious concerns about this deal with Iran have only been reinforced,��� House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) said after the hourlong briefing for all House members by Kerry, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew. ���I.

Hillary Clinton vs. The GOP on the Issues Facing America

���The letter, signed by 47 GOP senators including Paul, warned that without congressional approval, any deal between President Obama and Irans supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, could be easily reversed. The next president could revoke such an... it will destroy our economy, he added.��� [Los Angeles Times, 5/11/14], Hillary Clinton called climate change the ���most consequential, urgent, sweeping collection of challenges we face as a nation and world.

The Alternative to Obamas Trade Deal - Tom Hayden

Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. April 29, 2015.. What will Hillary Clinton do? Undermine her month-old populist campaign by supporting a trade deal that is bad for labor and everyday Americans? Remind them that her husband Bill brought NAFTA to working families? Or yield to. It seems unlikely, but Obama may wish to extricate himself from an inconvenient initiative, which is being trumped by China while it antagonizes his closest political allies. Perhaps��.

Memo to Obama: Moving to the Middle is for Losers

El-Sisi on How Arab Allies View United States: Difficult Question �� Krauthammer:. And it didnt work when Mark Penn (obsessed with his microtrends and missing the megatrend) convinced Hillary Clinton to do it in 2008.. In a Los Angeles Times article detailing Obamas attempts at shifting toward the center, Matt Bennett of the centrist think tank Third Way says that Obama is a good politician.. Instead of Third Way think tankers, Obama should listen to this guy:.

Gulf nation leaders look to Obama for reassurance of fears over Iran

They want commitments from Obama that the United States has their backs at a time when the region is under siege from Islamic extremists, Syria continues to unravel, Iraq is volatile and Yemen is in chaos.. A renewed call for a coordinated missile.

Obama: Warren Absolutely Wrong On Trade Deal

WASHINGTON, May 9 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama dismissed a liberal senators warning that fast-track trade authorization being considered by Congress could weaken U.S. financial r.. Fool me twice (Hillary Clinton), shame on me.. only works so many times. If this deal is half as good as Obama says it is, he should want to shout whats in it from the rooftops. Instead, Congress is barely even allowed to read it, and if they tell us whats in it, they face��.

The Tipping Point

���One of the great political mysteries of the early 2016 presidential campaign has been solved,��� David Knowles of Bloomberg Politics reports, one hopes sarcastically: ���Hillary Clinton did not leave a tip at the Chipotle restaurant she visited during her.

Elizabeth Warren Tells Obama To Put Up Or Shut Up On Trade

WASHINGTON -- Progressive Democrats have been hoping to see a showdown between Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton for years. Instead, theyre getting a public feud between the senator from Massachusetts and President Barack Obama. Obama .

Hillary Clinton calls on Obama to listen, work with allies on trade deal

Hillary Rodham Clinton called on President Obama on Sunday to listen to fellow Democrats and find common ground on a proposed trans-Pacific trade accord, two days after it was rejected by House Democrats in an embarrassing setback to the White House .


Moment of truth arrives for Obama trade deal. 2016. HILLARY TO UNVEIL STUDENT-LOAN REFORM in July: Elizabeth Warren allies shaped policy ��� IOWA STRAW POLL may die tomorrow ��� HOT SUMMER coming for GOP -- MRS. OBAMA. HOT IN HILLARYLAND ��� ���Clinton student loan reform plan has Warren stamp,��� by Annie Karni: ���In weekly calls and meetings over the past few months, Hillary Clintons policy team has been soliciting input from policy experts with ties to Sen.

Surprise! Hillary Clintons Big Campaign Speech Didnt.

Hillary Clinton paid lip service to just about every issue dear to progressive voters in her presidential campaign kickoff on Saturday, from paid sick leave, to LGBT rights, to climate change and stud.. Barack Obama suffered an embarrassing defeat when House Democrats spurned his last-second personal appeal and voted against a measure that would have granted him the authority to fast-track the sweeping trade deal though... What he done for you in that time?

The Hillary Clinton Lies List | conservativeamerican.org

So this time around, America needs to listen!... 12-22-14 The Inquisitr reports, ���Hillary Clinton praised the Obama administration for concluding a landmark deal re-establishing economic relations between the United States and [Communist] Cuba, saying that the.. We get the story of who is ���not��� making that assertion from Robin Abcarian at the LA Times: ���New York Times financial columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin put it out there Friday on MSNBCs ���Morning Joe.

Could This Man Beat Hillary Clinton in Iowa?

Iowans insist on meeting candidates��� ���three times,��� OMalley continued to laughs. ���Being able to look them in the eyes, being able to ask them questions.��� Then OMalley walked up to the guitarist in the three-piece band in the corner, grabbed his axe.

World powers, Iran reach framework for nuke deal by June 30

Speaking from the White House, President Barack Obama called it a ���good deal��� that would address concerns about Irans nuclear ambitions. Crucially for the Iranians, it also would provide them broad relief over time from international sanctions that.

Abbreviated pundit round-up: Trade deal a gift to corps.

The same change may be possible sometime soon in both Los Angeles and the District of Columbia.. The movement is likely to keep pressure over the coming year on Democratic candidates, even presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton, to advocate the higher pay levels.. And President Obama, when announcing his intention to normalize relations with Cuba last December, admitted, ���When what youre doing doesnt work for 50 years, its time to try something new.���.

6 Scholars Who Are Reimagining Black Politics

Last week, Michael Eric Dysons New Republic essay taking Cornel West to task for various perceived missteps, including Wests harsh critique of Obama, raised questions, for me and many others, about the role of the black public intellectual. Just days.

Pacific trade pact a tricky issue for Hillary Clintons candidacy

The bipartisan deal on Capitol Hill that would give President Obama authority to cement a long-delayed Trans-Pacific Partnership puts the spotlight on an uncomfortable issue for the candidate.. The congressional support for the deal is stirring up.

The Meanest Tweets Obama Didnt Read

Obama himself made that point. ���I have to say, those werent that mean,��� he told Kimmel after the segment. ���Ive gotta tell you, you should see what the Senate says about me all the time.��� For example: After the Charlie Hebdo terror attacks in France.

Clinton Campaign Chairman On Trade Deal: Can You Make It Go Away?

WASHINGTON -- House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Sunday called on Hillary Clinton to help him and President Barack Obama push a major free trade deal through Congress. The unlikely Boehner-Obama alliance is battling opposition to the .

Fast-track legislation faces a key test in the Senate today.

Sixty affirmative votes are needed and every indication is that it will be a close call. Because of that, Obama, who has labeled the deal ���the most progressive trade agreement in history,��� has spurred his aides and Cabinet��.

An uncannily accurate forecast of Obamas presidency.

I didnt write it, I just posted it with commentary at the time, but now, with six years of agony under Obama, we can appreciate how accurate the forecasts were back then and if more people had listened, we could have saved the country a lot of grief... While Obama has never, himself, discussed his relationship with Ayers, what we do know is that Ayers hosted a fundraiser for Obama in his home and, according to the Los Angeles Times: Obama and Ayers moved in��.

The Soft Corruption of Clinton, Inc. -- And How It Could Cost Democrats the.

No one has even come close in recent years to enriching themselves on the scale of the Clintons while they or a spouse continued to serve in public office. The ability of any other ex-politician, when a former president, or congressman, Republican or .

Elizabeth Warren Hits Back At Obama In Trade Fight

Senate Democrats want the bill to be coupled with three other trade measures, including legislation providing training to U.S. workers who lose their jobs as a result of trade deals. They also want to link it to a measure stopping China from.

Why Democrats Need to Take Sides in Americas Class War

The nations economy had deteriorated so drastically, he cautioned, that they needed to abandon their references to the ���middle class,��� substituting for those hallowed words the phrase ���working people.��� ���In todays. The Democrats ability to improve the economic lives of most Americans has been their primary calling card to the nations voters ever since Franklin Roosevelt became president... It was Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, of course, who sent these trade deals to the Hill.

Obama Hurls Insults At Democrats And Democratic Base.

President Obamas performance in pushing for approval of fast track legislation of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal, in which hes allied with Republicans and has spent the last week castigating and insulting liberal Democrats, has been one. By the time the House and Senate finish their work on trade the headline will probably be either ���Obama loses on trade��� or ���Obama and Republicans win on trade... Homeless Jump By 44,000 In LA County In Two Years.

Open thread for night owls: Illinois town shows how trade.

Every time politicians look to pass a new free trade agreement like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), they reassure the American people that this time around, workers will be protected.. Illinois���which, oddly enough, has a long-standing history with President Obama���is a poster child for why free trade deals are a problem rather than a solution to the precarious reality experienced by most working- and... Anagram Man asks: Will Hillary Clinton lynch a trillion?

Obama speech text: Middle East has a choice between hate.

Political commentary from the LA Times. I want to begin by thanking Hillary Clinton, who has traveled so much these last six months that she is approaching a new landmark -- one million frequent flyer miles.. So we will work with the EU to facilitate more trade within the region, build on existing agreements to promote integration with U.S. and European markets, and open the door for those countries who adopt high standards of reform and trade liberalization to��.

Clinton Campaign Gears Up To Crush Another Book

The impending publication of a book examining donations made to the Clinton Foundation during Hillary Clintons tenure at the State Department has put the former secretary and her allies in a familiar place.. The campaign similarly dismissed the.

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