5 Things to know about robocalls
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Federal Communications Commission has been asked to look into the issue of robocalls, the automated phone messages favored by political campaigns, charities and scammers. At issue is whether phone companies can do more .
Man alleges Eugene police used excessive force
A Washington man has filed a complaint against two Eugene police officers, alleging he was unnecessarily tased while surrendering during an incident last fall.. But before turning himself in to begin serving his time, he went to the office of Mark.
FACT CHECK: Is Pauls call to balance the budget plausible?
WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Rand Paul is campaigning for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination as a man who wants to upend the ways of Washington. In one way, though, hes a creature of the capital: He carries on a long tradition of promising the .
NSA: Car smashes into police vehicle at Fort Meade; 1 dead.
Two men dressed as women smashed a stolen car into a police vehicle after they disobeyed commands at the closely guarded gates of the National Security Agency on Monday, prompting police to open fire.. SC officer who shot man had prior excessive force complaint. The South Carolina police officer facing a murder.. Associated Press reporters Amanda Lee Myers in Washington and David Dishneau in Hagerstown, Maryland, contributed to this report. Copyright 2015 The��.
Marco Rubio, set to launch 2016 campaign, gets a super PAC
WASHINGTON (AP) - If he runs for president as expected, Sen. Marco Rubio will. Marco has the vision - few have laid out in as much detail where theyd like to lead this country - and were going to spend the next two years ensuring that the.
Hash oil explosions prompt proposed changes in pot states.
Alarmed by a rash of explosions and injuries caused when amateurs make hash oil, lawmakers in Colorado and Washington are considering spelling out whats allowed when it comes to making the.. Officer who shot man had prior excessive force complaint. The South Carolina police officer facing a.. The charges were later dismissed after prosecutors said they couldnt tie him to the explosion beyond a reasonable doubt, leaving the legality of the citys hash oil ban unresolved.
More whites than blacks, Latinos approve police striking men
Officer who shot man had prior excessive force complaint. The South Carolina police officer. After bombers conviction, jury to decide life or death. Now that a jury has. WASHINGTON (AP) - Whites in the United States approve of police officers hitting people in far greater numbers than blacks and Hispanics do, at a time when the country is struggling to deal with police use of deadly force against men of color, according to a major American trend survey. Seven of 10 whites polled,��.
End of robust hiring streak raises doubts about job market.
For months, the U.S. economys strength has been flagging.. Officer who shot man had prior excessive force complaint. The South Carolina police officer facing a.. Yet month after month, employers kept on hiring vigorously. In March, the��.
More than 300 slave fishermen now safe on Indonesian island
The South Carolina police officer facing a murder charge after video surfaced of him shooting a fleeing suspect in the back was allowed to stay on the force despite an earlier complaint he used excessive force. The South. TUAL, Indonesia (AP.
Former Atlanta educators jailed in test cheating scandal - 8.
SC officer who shot man had prior excessive force complaint.. A state investigation found that as far back as 2005, educators fed answers to students or erased and changed answers on tests after they were turned in. Evidence. Similar cheating scandals have erupted in Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Nevada and other public school systems around the country in recent years, as officials link scores to school funding and staff bonuses and vow to close schools that perform poorly.
Religious freedom fight over gay marriage will persist - 8.
Officer who shot man had prior excessive force complaint. The South Carolina police officer facing a murder charge after video surfaced of him.. Still, Tim Schultz, president of the 1st Amendment Partnership, which works with religious groups and state lawmakers on religious liberty, said after this weeks controversy over religious freedom, the brand has definitely been tarnished. The governors of Indiana and Arkansas signed bills Thursday hoping to quiet the��.
Baltimore police often surveil cellphones amid US secrecy
BALTIMORE (AP) - The Baltimore Police Department has an agreement with the U.S. government to withhold certain information about secretive cellphone surveillance technology from the public and even the courts, according to a confidential agreement .
Obama defends Iran deal as once in a lifetime opportunity
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama staunchly defended a framework nuclear agreement with Iran as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to prevent a bomb and bring longer-term stability to the Middle East. He insisted the U.S.. The presidents.
Why is Bill Robocop Melendez still a police officer?
. who had been illegally arrested. In the indictment, Melendez, nicknamed Robocop for his bodybuilding and excessive use of force, wasnt listed as a bit player, but as the ringleader and driving force behind the corruption.. Twelve years ago, long before he nearly killed Floyd Dent, Officer Melendez had already cost the city millions of dollars in settlements and wracked up more brutality complaints than any other officer in all of Detroit. In 1996, Melendez shot and��.
Morning Feature ��� Black Men, Killer Cops, and Heroes | BPI.
Slager said he fired his Taser at Scott, but Scott grabbed it. Slager said he. Later we learn that he has a prior complaint of excessive force, involving a Taser, but an internal investigation cleared him.. Walter L. Scott, a Coast Guard veteran and father of four, died Saturday after Patrolman 1st Class Michael T. Slager, 33, shot him in the back.. A white cop, threatened by a violent black man with a criminal record and a weapon, drew his gun and fired in self-defense.
Obamas Caribbean outreach comes as China expands influence
The visit comes amid a perception that Obamas interest in the region has failed to materialize. Yet his travels - first to Jamaica, then to the Summit of the Americas in Panama - follow a year of increased attention to the region by the U.S. president.
Pugnacious Reid retiring, wants Schumer as Senate Dem.
SC officer who shot man had prior excessive force complaint. The South Carolina police.. WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, a pugnacious and glamour-averse tactician who united Democrats to help deliver tough victories for President Barack Obama, said Friday hes retiring next year. He immediately endorsed. On Friday, Schumer seized the inside track to succeed Reid as the Democratic Senate leader after next years elections. Potential rival Dick Durbin��.
Cop charged in shooting had prior excessive force complaint
. Carolina police officer charged with murder after video surfaced of him shooting a fleeing suspect in the back was allowed to stay on the force despite an earlier complaint he used excessive force against an unarmed man.
Democratic Rep. Capps of Calif. announces plans to retire
The South Carolina police officer facing a murder charge after video surfaced of him shooting a fleeing suspect in the back was allowed to stay on the force despite an earlier complaint he used excessive force.. WASHINGTON (AP) - Democratic Rep.
Look up! Brief total lunar eclipse to grace the sky Saturday.
SC officer who shot man had prior excessive force complaint. The South Carolina police. After bombers conviction, jury to decide life or death. Now that a jury has convicted. If there are clear skies, the 3��-hour spectacle is visible from start to finish from the western U.S. and Canada where it occurs before dawn. Skygazers in the Midwest. Thats what makes lunar eclipses so interesting, said Geoff Chester of the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington. ___. WHEN IS THE NEXT��.
Live in a Porsche? Designer labels draw Miami home buyers
Cop who shot man in back had prior excessive force complaint.. The trend has spread from Europe, Asia and the Middle East, where developers discovered a few years ago that luxury-branded hotels and homes could command huge premiums that the moneyed set would happily pay.. Some may be shifting their holdings from U.S. bank accounts after the IRS sought to reduce tax avoidance in 2012 by requiring banks to report interest earned on accounts held by foreigners.
Hiring slowdown: US employers added just 126K jobs in.
Officer who shot man had prior excessive force complaint �� Officer who shot man had prior excessive force complaint. After bombers conviction, jury to decide life or death. Now that a jury has convicted Boston Marathon. WASHINGTON (AP) - A weakening U.S. economy spilled into the job market in March as employers added just 126,000 jobs - the fewest since December 2013 - snapping a 12-month streak of gains above 200,000. The unemployment rate remained at 5.5 percent,��.
Man shot dead by police in Washington State after.
An investigation is under way into three law enforcement officials with the Pasco Police Department in Washington State after cops there shot and killed a man this week who had reportedly been throwing rocks at officers.. One of the three officers involved in Wednesdays shooting, Flanagan, has previously been identified along with another cop in an excessive force lawsuit filed by a Pasco resident in 2009, according to the Los Angeles Times. The city ultimately��.
Veteran CBS newsman Bob Schieffer to retire this summer
A former newspaper reporter at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Schieffer joined CBS News in 1969 and has been the networks chief Washington correspondent since 1992. He began at the political affairs show Face the Nation in 1991, asking direct .
Clinton campaign headquarters expected in Brooklyn
WASHINGTON (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton has signed a lease in a Brooklyn, New York, building for what is expected to house her presidential campaign headquarters. A person familiar with the plans says Clinton has signed the lease for two floors in an .
Afghan soldier kills 1 US soldier, several others injured
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - An Afghan soldier shot and killed a U.S. soldier and wounded several others Wednesday before being shot dead, the first so-called insider attack to target NATO troops since they ended their combat mission at the start of the.
Officer who shot man had prior excessive force complaint
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. ��� The white South Carolina police officer charged with murder for shooting an unarmed black man in the back was allowed to stay on the force despite a 2013 complaint that he used excessive force against another unarmed .
Allies of indicted senator Menendez launch defense website.
Officer who shot man had prior excessive force complaint. The South Carolina police.. Their efforts became apparent beginning Wednesday, when supporting statements began pouring into reporters inboxes shortly after the 14-count indictment was filed. The New Jersey. The website, which also seeks contributions, was paid for by the Menendez for Senate campaign committee, which has $1.45 million cash on hand, according to its most recent federal campaign filing. Visitors to��.
White House says its always a target amid reports of hack
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obamas spokesman says the White House is always going to be a target for hackers. Josh Earnest came close on Wednesday to confirming reports that Russian hackers accessed sensitive White House information.
Cop who shot man in back had prior excessive force complaint
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) ��� The South Carolina police officer facing a murder charge after video surfaced of him shooting a fleeing suspect in the back was allowed to stay on the force despite an earlier complaint he��.
Senate creating secret encyclopedia of US spy programs
Richard Burr, R-N.C. listens on Capitol Hill in Washington.. The South Carolina police officer facing a murder charge after video surfaced of him shooting a fleeing suspect in the back was allowed to stay on the force despite an earlier complaint he.
Obama: Nuclear deal cant hinge on Irans Israel stance
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama says it would be a fundamental misjudgment to condition a nuclear deal with Iran on the country changing its hostile stance toward Israel. Obama says hes trying to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons .