Supreme Court considers taking on appeal on Obamacare.
Five of the lawmakers who were in on the drafting of the law, and thus know what its intent is, have filed an amicus brief [pdf] with the Court, and have also penned this op-ed in the Washington Post.. In a series of legal challenges, opponents have inaccurately argued that Congress intended to provide financial help only to Americans living in the 14 states that directly run their own health insurance marketplaces, not in the 36 states that delegated administration of��.
Language Experts Make An Interesting Case For Why Obamacare Will Be.
But thats how things stand in the twisted, tortured legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act now before the Supreme Court. On Wednesday, the court will hear oral arguments on the legality of the individual tax credits awarded under the law. Critics.
GOP scrambles to keep Obamacare subsidies flowing in case
Next Wednesday the court will hear oral arguments in King v. Burwell, the case challenging the payment of. Which is why a Senate GOP working group has been meeting for months to figure out what to do should the challenge to Obamacare succeed. Its a difficult problem on several fronts. First, even in a victory scenario, nobody knows just what the Court will do. Would subsidies stop immediately? After some period of time? Republican lawmakers dont know any��.
The Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments over Obamacare today. Heres.
The Supreme Court on Wednesday will hear oral arguments in King v. Burwell, the most serious challenge to the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) since the justices upheld it as constitutional almost three years ago. Heres how this works: Whats.
Obamacare case shows Congress often misses mark when writing legislation
The outcome of the Supreme Court arguments about the new health-care law could turn on how to interpret a single hotly contested phrase in the massive bill. But the case has already highlighted this truism: Congress can sometimes be sloppy.. Get the.
Whos crazier? The plaintiffs in the Obamacare case or the.
Supreme Court Justices John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, and. How low are they willing to go? Two more of the challengers in the King v. Burwell challenge to Obamacare appear to have��.
Theres Going To Be Chaos - What Is The Worst-Case.
Later today, the US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of King v. Burwell, the latest challenge to Obamacare, and one that could potentially leave it gutted from an unexpected direction. As a result, nearly eight��.
Future of health care in America on the table: Supreme.
After more than an hour of arguments, the Supreme Court seemed divided in a case concerning what Congress meant in one very specific four-word clause of the Affordable Care Act with respect to who is eligible for subsidies provided by the.. In a recent Washington Post op-ed, Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and two other Republicans in Congress said that if the Court rules in their favor, ���Republicans have a plan to protect Americans harmed by the administrations actions.
Low Popahirum, March 4, 2015
���Warren Drake, who spent a decade as superintendent of the top-rated Zachary school system, has applied to take the helm of the much larger but much more challenging East Baton Rouge Parish school system.. The case is considered the greatest threat.
No Way To Prevent Disaster If The Supreme Court Guts Obamacare, Top Official.
The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments next Wednesday and is expected to issue a ruling in June. The lawsuit. Congressional Republicans repeatedly have promised plans that would replace Obamacare, either after a legislative repeal or a Supreme.
Obamacare and the Supreme Court - The Economist
ON MARCH 4th the Supreme Court will hear arguments in King v Burwell, a case that could gut the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Barack Obamas signature health-care law. It is the third legal challenge to Obamacare in four��.
Bare-knuckle brawl over Israel, and more
Bare-knuckle brawl: As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu preps for his address to Congress today, the gloves are off in Washington when it comes to US-Israeli relations, writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post. Continue. Day in court for.
Unconstitutional After All?
Next week the U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments in one of the terms most-watched cases: King v. Burwell, which raises the question whether the Obama administration has been violating the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.
Obamacare on trial: SCOTUS takes up case on tax credits
On Wednesday the Supreme Court will begin to hear arguments in King v.. Heres how it works: As soon as the ACA went into effect (plus a few days grace period), most U.S. citizens who didnt already have health insurance were required to purchase.
Supreme Court to Hear Obamacare Subsidy Challenge.
Now that the Supreme Court has agreed to hear the Obamacare subsidies case in this session, it may be a few months until oral arguments.. Enjoy this post? Find it helpful? Let us know by sharing it with your friends.
Supreme Court Case Could End Obamacare Subsidies In.
���The Supreme Court will hear King v.. The SEIU is leading the rally in front of the Supreme Court building to show its support for upholding the law because of how it helps working Americans, even the parts being challenged... It was passed without ONE single Republican vote and if I recall, Nancy Pelosi said we have to pass it to find out whats in it and this was just AFTER Obama said in his campaign that he was going to put every bill on the Internet for at least��.
A sampling of editorials from around New York
His aides say its just a matter of efficiency. Of what kind, we ask. The governors policy of having state agencies delete emails after just 90 days is a violation of the peoples right to know how officials handle government business -- and a recipe.
The Supreme Court has heard Obamacare challenge arguments. Heres what.
The Supreme Court justices Wednesday appeared split as they heard oral arguments in King v. Burwell, the latest major challenge to the Affordable Care Act. Get highlights from inside the court here and a complete transcript here. At issue in the case.
King v. Burwell: The Supreme Court case that could gut.
The Supreme Court will hear arguments Wednesday on Obamacare. And it could prove disastrous for the administration ��� and for millions of individuals and families who have found affordable coverage under the law.. Shortly after that, the IRS issued regulations clarifying that subsidies will be available on all exchanges, whether established by the state or by the federal government. These regulations are the specific target of legal challenges; in the eyes of the��.
Another step forward for marriage equality
All eyes are on the Supreme Court right now because of tomorrows oral arguments in the lawsuit that could gut Obamacare subsidies in three dozen states, and the mere fact that this challenge made it this far is dispiriting.. Earlier this year, the.
The Sphinx
As the Supreme Court heard oral arguments today in King v.. He spoke rarely during the hearing and gave no hint of how he might rule on the statutory challenge to the Internal Revenue Services decree regarding ObamaCare subsidies.. One is that.
Supreme Court hears arguments in new challenge to.
More than 100 people also lined up in order to get seats inside the courtroom to hear the arguments. U.S. conservatives have denounced the law as a government overreach. If the court rules against the Obama administration��.
Swing vote on Supreme Court says striking down Obamacare subsidies could.
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy suggested on Wednesday that an argument for striking down the government subsidies at the heart of the Affordable Care Act raises a serious constitutional problem and deciding to strike them down would cause.
Supreme Court set to hear second major Obamacare.
Supreme Court set to hear second major Obamacare challenge. Reuters. People stand in line to enter the US Supreme Court building on November 12, 2014 in Washington, DC (AFP Photo/Mark Wilson). Dont miss. The case is set for a one-hour oral argument starting just after 10 a.m. (1500 GMT), with a ruling due by the end of June.. The legal question is whether only people who have bought insurance on state exchanges qualify for the tax-credit subsidies.
No Way To Prevent Disaster If The Supreme Court Guts.
The federal government is powerless to prevent millions from losing health insurance if the Supreme Court rules against President Barack Obama in a lawsuit to be argued next week, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia. Congressional Republicans repeatedly have promised plans that would replace Obamacare, either after a legislative repeal or a Supreme Court ruling against the law, since before Obama signed the Affordable Care Act in March 2010.
Turkish jetliner skids off on runway, passengers safe
The runway was slippery after two days of rain and there was dense fog at the time. The plane was stuck in the grass and there was some damage to the front of the Airbus 330. The plane on a seven-hour flight circled for half hour over Nepal before it.
Obamacare and the Supreme Court - The Economist
ON MARCH 4th the Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case targeting the Affordable Care Act (ACA), otherwise known as Obamacare. The legal challenge against the.
Friday, February 27, 2015 | Kaiser Health News
Heres todays health policy haiku:. Millions of Americans have a big personal stake in next Wednesdays Supreme Court challenge to the nations health care law: Can they legally continue to get subsidies to help pay for their insurance?. said in an email that we are not planning anything in relation to the Obamacare case being argued next Wednesday or the courts other big case of the year on whether states can ban gay marriage, which will be heard in April.
The Obamacare challenge that wont die
In doing so, the Iowa Republican set into motion a strange series of events, entangling both city and federal officials in Washington, triggering one of the most stubbornly resilient legal challenges to the Affordable Care Act, and ultimately giving.
Supreme Court Agrees To Hear New Challenge To.
Supreme Court Agrees To Hear New Challenge To Obamacare. President Barack Obamas administration maintains this argument is baseless and that Congress always intended these subsidies to be available nationwide.. The Supreme Court is taking up the case -- a decision that required the consent of at least four of the nine justices -- despite the fact that no appeals court has decided in favor of the plaintiffs... Describe the error here (1,000 character limit).
GOP: Our plans would help people losing health subsidies
WASHINGTON ��� Congressional Republicans sent a message Monday that they hope the Supreme Court and voters will hear: They have ideas to keep the countrys health care system from crumbling if the justices obliterate a bedrock feature of President.
Morning Briefing | Kaiser Health News
The Wall Street Journals Law Blog: Obamacare On Trial: A Preview Of King V. Burwell The Supreme Court on Wednesday is set to hear arguments in King v. Burwell, the latest case tied to the health-care law. The dispute��.