Cruz comment sparks a rhetorical inferno
Scott Brown said that a few times on the U.S. Senate campaign trail last year.. The Republican senator from Texas, a possible Republican presidential hopeful, was criticizing President Obama in Barrington on Sunday when he delivered a line hes used.
Aaron Schock Under Investigation, Yknow, Like Mr. Bates
Ted Cruz scared a young child, a throwback to his campaign slogan, Cruz for Senate: Your Eyes Will Stay Crossed If You Keep Doing That. Darrell Issa made the. USA Today reported last month that Schock spent $79,061 in federal money on furniture in.
Reports: Ted Cruz to announce presidential run ��� USA.
Reports: Ted Cruz to announce presidential run. USA TODAY. Ted Cruz reportedly will announce on Monday that he will seek the presidency, with a campaign that seeks to energize the partys Tea Party and socially��.
EXCLUSIVE: Ted Cruz Just Made a Bold Prediction About.
Scottie offered a tactical attempt to get Senator Cruz to budge on announcing whether he was going to make a run for the presidency in 2016, pressing Cruz, ���Is there a timeline that you will be thinking of making an announcement? Lets just say someone. Cruz asked rhetorically. WATCH FULL INTERVIEW BELOW: PLEASE SHARE THIS ARTICLE ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER IF YOU WANT TED CRUZ TO RUN FOR THE PRESIDENCY IN 2016. Trending Today.
Spite toward Bibi hardened Obamas resolve to do Iran nuke deal
White House steps up attacks - Fox News: ��� In its first public response to Netanyahus election triumph, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said President Obama still believes in a two-state solution. This was after. a government system. In a.
Today Ted Cruz Is a Marijuana Federalist���a Year Ago, Not.
The likely presidential candidate now says states should be free to legalize.. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) endorsed marijuana federalism during an exchange with Fox News talk show host Sean Hannity. Look, Cruz said. I actually. The president earlier this past year announced the Department of Justice is going to stop prosecuting certain drug crimes. Didnt... Why does the UNITED STATES NAVY need a ship with NO guns and DROOLS oil all over its chin. There are��.
Drillers file lawsuit after Obama administration further regulates fracking
The announcement set off speculation that Cruz is just days away from officially throwing his hat in the ring for the 2016 presidential race. While no one in Cruzs camp would confirm the content of his upcoming speech, a political staffer told The.
Ted Cruz to Make Important Speech at Liberty University.
Aides to the Texas Republican, who has been contemplating a run for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016, were tight-lipped Friday about the details of the visit to the campus of Liberty University, but the timing of the speech would be right for.. LOL. Oh���would that it were so. AngryBlonde. Ted Cruz is an AMERICAN������PERIOD!! Cruz 2016. givemetruth. Youre wrong. Very wrong.
Reports: Ted Cruz to announce presidential run
Ted Cruz reportedly will announce on Monday that he will seek the presidency, with a campaign that seeks to energize the partys Tea Party and socially conservative wings. The Houston Chronicle, citing unnamed senior advisers with knowledge of his.
READ IN: Fast And Furious Edition
USA Today reports on the end of Microsofts Internet Explorer. White House 2016: The long, strange road to Pennsylvania Ave. -- Clinton: Two big hires for Hillary Clintons budding campaign: Shell rely on Justice Department spokesman Brian Fallon to.
Ted Cruz: Im The Biggest Anti-Gay Bigot In The 2016 GOP.
While its truly scary that hes a US senator, let alone a presidential candidate, were not going to argue with Cruzs claim about marriage, even though Huckabee or Santorum might have something to say. After all, Cruz is. For a look at what the other GOP presidential hopefuls have said about marriage, check out this recent report from CNN.. Considering what is going on in the world today - to hook your campaign on marriage is a mistake I am glad Cruz has made.
Obama reveals first-ever federal fracking regulations
President Obama on Friday announced the U.S. governments first federal regulations on hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking. While states have regulated hydraulic fracturing for years, this marks the first time the federal government has issued.
Ted Cruz to deliver major speech on Monday
USA Today notes that a gender gap is par for the course in presidential elections, and Clinton has recently ramped up her gender equity and womens issues talking points in speeches. More promising for the presumptive candidate, the new poll finds her .
Ted Cruz says in 2014 elections, voters made clear their.
The night before President Barack Obama was scheduled to announce that he was removing the threat of deportation from up to 5 million undocumented immigrants, Sen. Ted Cruz. Cruz went on to say that the election results demonstrated that on two issues -- health care and immigration -- the American public delivered a resounding blow in favor of the Republican position. He said:.. USA Today, Resistance to Obama order on immigration, Nov. 17, 2014.
Presidential campaign launches to begin soon
The timing of announcements depends partially on current jobs: The U.S. Senate is scheduled for a break from March 30 to April 10, and some governors intend to be mindful of legislative work that needs attention at home before they go presidential.
House Republican Budget Overhauls Medicare and Repeals the Health Law
With the Senate now also in Republican hands, this years proposal is more politically salient than in years past, especially for Republican senators facing re-election in Democratic or swing states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Illinois and New.
New Gallup poll finds Hillary Clinton top-rated 2016 candidate among women
Ted Cruz (R-Texas) will on Monday make it official and announce a 2016 presidential campaign, according to the Houston Chronicle. Citing senior advisers to Cruz, the paper said the freshman firebrand would skip the standard exploratory committee.
Sources: Rand Paul to enter GOP presidential field April 7
Pauls campaign launch is largely dictated by the Senate calendar, his aides told msnbc. The Senate is in recess from March 30 to April 10, and GOP senators including Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida have been eyeing a possible presidential .
HUFFPOST HILL - Aaron Schock Under Investigation, Yknow, Like Mr. Bates
Ted Cruz scared a young child, a throwback to his campaign slogan, Cruz for Senate: Your Eyes Will Stay Crossed If You Keep Doing That. Darrell Issa made the. USA Today reported last month that Schock spent $79,061 in federal money on furniture in.
Senator Ted Cruz to Announce his Presidential Run on.
Ted Cruz is first out the gate. The first-term senator from Texas will announce that hes running for the Republican presidential nomination, according to the Houston Chronicle. He will make his official declaration Monday in Lynchburg, Virginia at Liberty University, the largest Christian. The Chronicle reports that Cruz will go straight to announcing his candidacy without first forming an exploratory committee, according to advisers with direct knowledge of his plans.
Report: Sen. Ted Cruz to announce presidential run ��� USA.
Report: Sen. Ted Cruz to announce presidential run. USA TODAY Sen. Ted Cruz plans to announce on Monday that he will run for president, the Houston Chronicle reported, citing his senior advisers to the Texas Republican. Cruz, who had��.
Jeb Bush Promises 2016 Decision in Few Months
Bushs timeline would put his official announcement deeper into the 2015 calendar than some of his potential rivals, reflecting the differing realities in the race for cash to finance presidential operations.. Once Bush declares his intentions, he.
North Koreas ambassador to Britain warns: We are ready for nuclear war with.
We are ready for nuclear war with nuclear war, Hyun said as reported by Al Jazeera English. It is not the United States that has a. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) will on Monday make it official and announce a 2016 presidential campaign, according to the.
First Reads Morning Clips
The head of the Secret Service will push back today on reports that two agents crashed a car into a security barrier earlier this month. Reuters: The U.S.. Ted Cruz and James Lankford are moving to fight D.C. on two bills they consider an affront.
Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and other potential US.
Clinton supporters say they expect her to announce a decision on a presidential run no earlier than mid-February. She is in a bit of a tough spot at the moment. She is the runaway leader among Democrats for her partys��.