3-Year-Old Boy Shoots His Twin Brother
Its also unclear how both suspects evaded custody. In the hood you hear one story but the real story isnt out yet, neighbor Joe Marsh told WTVR. Police say proper weapon storage could have prevented the shooting, which could have killed the little.
West Virginia chemical spill cuts water to up to 300000, state of emergency.
Charleston, W.V., residents are awaiting word as to when their water will be safe again after a chemical spill contaminated the Elk River. By Becky Bratu and Henry Austin, NBC News. A chemical spill into a West Virginia river has led to a tap water ban.
Mesa, Arizona Shooting: Six Shot, One Dead; Suspect Captured
Brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing, were driving a stolen Mercedes SUV through the dim, narrow streets of Watertown, Massachusetts, in the early minutes of April 19, 2013. It was their fourth day on the run.
Video Released in Brutal Driver Beating
NBC News Channel Video has been released which shows an attack on a Mesa, Arizona bus driver. KPNXs Monique Griega reports that the hunt for the individual suspected in attacking the driver remains ongoing. Published September 30th 2014, 6:09 am.
First suit filed against University of Colorado in Aurora shooting
Aurora massacre suspect James Holmes, shown here in a photo released by the Arapahoe County Sheriffs Office.. Blunk was one of 12 people killed when Holmes allegedly opened fire during a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises on July 20.
In closing arguments, Arias prosecutor urges jurors: Dont let her manipulate.
Today, in closing arguments, prosecutor Juan Martinez told them: ���This individual, the defendant, Jodi Ann Arias, killed Travis Alexander... Even after slashing his throat from ear-to-ear, none of you will convict her. Taking a gun, shooting him in.
Should Every Police Officer be Outfitted With a Body Camera?
The St. Louis prosecutors office released highly varied witness accounts of the final moments of 18-year-old Michael Browns life after a grand jury Monday announced its decision not to indict Darren Wilson, the police officer who fatally shot him.
What You Missed in the Totally Bonkers and Disturbing Jodi Arias Trial
For the past five years, way over in the overheated wastelands of Arizona, an epic, trashy tragedy has been unfolding, slowly but without many dull moments, like the pages of a supermarket thriller. The murder trial of Jodi Arias is wrapping up after.
Mesa, Arizona Shooting: Six Shot, One Dead; Suspect.
Mesa, Arizona Shooting: Six Shot, One Dead; Suspect Captured ��� NBCNews.com. Post by wpjljron 18. The suspect was finally taken into custody just after 1 p.m., Mesa Interim Police Chief John Meza said. Police would not��.
Quotes of the day
8 at 6 p.m��� ���This is something thats deeply rooted in our society, deeply rooted in our history. But the two things that will allow us to solve it: Number one: Is the understanding that we have made progress and so its important to recognize that as.
Officials Relocate Bear After It Wanders into Neighborhood
Cyclone Pam ��� a Category 5 storm with winds of more than 185 mph ��� tore through the islands on Friday and Saturday, killing at least six people and leaving what aid workers described as a complete disaster in her wake. Assessing the full extent of.
Obama Lets His Freaky Big Government Flag Fly, Chris Christie Dips Toe Into.
Death sentences on 183 Muslim Brotherhood supporters won thumbs-up from an Egyptian court. They were convicted for a lethal attack on a police station in 2013. Alaskans are a tad pissed over the White Houses call for a ban on oil drilling in coastal.
Nightly News with Brian Williams Full Broadcast (September 16)
Cyclone Pam ��� a Category 5 storm with winds of more than 185 mph ��� tore through the islands on Friday and Saturday, killing at least six people and leaving what aid workers described as a complete disaster in her wake. Assessing the full extent of.
Michael Hastings Rips Obama Drone Speech (VIDEO)
Journalist Michael Hastings had very harsh words for President Barack Obama on Saturday morning. Appearing on MSNBCs Up with Steve Kornacki, Hastings ripped Obamas recent foreign policy comments, saying the president had bought into the Bush .
34 sent to hospitals in Las Vegas as record heat parks over West, Southwest
Runners take advantage of lower temperatures at sunrise Thursday in Mesa, Ariz. Excessive heat warnings will continue for much of the Desert Southwest as building high pressure triggers major warming in eastern California, Nevada and Arizona.
Character witness for Jodi Arias pulls out, citing threats and inner turmoil
She shot him in the face, stabbed him more than 20 times and slit his throat ear to ear.. Jurors, after hearing tearful statements from Alexanders brother and sister, ruled that Arias had been ���especially cruel,��� a finding that made her eligible.
Judge sets date for Jodi Arias penalty phase retrial
Jodi Arias ��� convicted in a spellbinding five-month trial last year of brutally stabbing and shooting her boyfriend ��� in March will face a retrial on the penalty phase in her case, an Arizona judge announced Monday. David Wallace. Alexander was.