Obamas Pick For Attorney General Faces Heated Confirmation Debate
WASHINGTON, Jan 28 (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obamas pick for his next attorney general faces a Senate confirmation hearing on Wednesday that will likely highlight tensions between the Obama administration and the new Republican Congress.
Team Obama gives Hillary the Coakley treatment
Cullen displayed his disdain for right-wing activists in a radio interview, explaining that Sen. Ted Cruz would not be welcome at his home because Cruz represents ���everything that is wrong with the Republican Party in Washington these days.��� Cruz will.
Ted Cruz to Make Important Speech at Liberty University.
Sen. Ted Cruz has something important to announce.. CANADA Born and Half CUBAN TED CRUZ can NOT be PRESIDENT OF USA and Thanks to TED CRUZ The USA Lost $24 BILLION with HIS GOVT SHUTDOWN���... no true conservative can support anybody who takes the anti-American stance of amnesty, defined as ANYTHING allowing illegals to stay in the country, we know that republican amnesty is no better than democrat amnesty and will end up with��.
Rep. Aaron Schock Resigns | Crooks and Liars
On Monday afternoon, POLITICO posed a lengthy set of questions about charging the government and his campaign tens of thousands of dollars in questionable mileage reimbursements. ���Today, I am. I thank them for their faith in electing me and letting me represent their interests in Washington... Cant we all agree that whats needed here is an expanded mandate for Trey Gowdys BENGHAZZZZZZZIIIIII! committee to investigate the Schock-Clinton ties?
Ted Cruz - Washington Blade
From the beginning of this country, marriage has been a question of the states, and we should not have the federal government, or unelected judges, setting aside the policy judgment of the elected legislatures and imposing their own instead.��� As he announced in October, Cruz told the Blade he still intends to introduce a constitutional amendment that would prohibit judges from overturning state laws on marriage, but suggested courts already lack the authority to rule��.
Senate Passes Long Term Spending Bill To Avoid Government Shutdown
The House narrowly passed the measure on Thursday with a vote of 219-206 after the administration pressed lawmakers to vote in favor of the spending package. The Senate held the rare Saturday session after Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Mike Lee, .
Heres what we know about the faith of Sen. Cruz, whos set to announce his.
Sen. Ted Cruz is expected to announce his bid for the White House at Liberty University, a large evangelical institution founded by the late Jerry Falwell Sr. that regularly hosts many political leaders on its campus. Cruz, born to a Cuban refugee.
Senate Passes The Cromnibus: Here Is Who Voted No.
Regardless, here is a roll coll of those 40 Senators who voted No - as CBS Mark Knoller points out: interesting combination of Dems and GOPs voting against the bill. Franken, Warren, McCain, Cruz, Klobuchar et al. As we��.
Full text: Sen. Joni Ernsts State of the Union response
For many of us, the sting of the economy and the frustration with Washingtons dysfunction werent things we had to read about. We felt them every day. We felt them in Red Oak ��� the little town in southwestern Iowa where I grew up, and am still proud.
Washington Post Warns of a President Cruz Empowered.
The Senate, narrowly back in Democratic hands, disagrees. Mr. Cruz instructs the Internal Revenue Service not to collect a fine from anyone who opts out of the individual mandate to buy health insurance, thereby neutering a��.
Ted Cruz Readies Second Attempt To Peg Obamacare.
WASHINGTON -- Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), a leader in the anti-Obamacare showdown that shut the federal government last month, is plotting how he might exploit the next budget crisis for another try at repealing President Barack Obamas. plans to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling, Cruz, during a Bloomberg TV appearance Thursday, jumped at the opportunity to reiterate his steadfast disproval of Obamacare and said he remains focused on its repeal.
Democratic Congressman Says That GOP Senator Ted Cruz Is
We are now seeing a repeat of that moment, where Boehner has been rendered impotent by Cruzs sway with the extreme wing of the House Republican Caucus. Due to. The Washington Posts Chris Cilliza wrote on Thursday that Cruz actually wants Boehner and other non-extreme members of the GOP to hate him as he thinks it will increase his chances come 2016.. Crushing The GOP Lie: Here Is a List of Republican Incumbents Who Support Impeachment��.
Political News, Now.
���Ultimately, we will reach an agreement that will allow us to get to passage of the Keystone pipeline,��� she said.. Senator Harry Reid was back at his home in Washington on Monday after having surgery for injuries sustained in an exercise accident on.
Ted Cruz, John Boehners Former Lawyer, Says He Doesnt.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) discussed several topics Thursday, including House Speaker John Boehners leadership and Hillary Clintons possible 2016 candidacy during an interview on Bloomberg Televisions Market Makers.. ���To be honest, I dont really know John Boehner. He has his job. I have mine,��� he explained. Boehner (R-Ohio) on the other hand, contradicted Cruzs account on NBCs The Tonight Show Jan. 23. Ted Cruz used to be my attorney a long time��.
Watch Sen. Ted Cruz bomb on stage, because its funny
After the speeches, the firefighters I talked to had a few good things to say about South Carolina Lindsey Graham, who discussed homeland security, and Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who stuck largely to a story about his upbringing.. So we get spectacles like this, with actual elected officials like Ted Cruz telling audiences of moderates that he wants to abolish the IRS and move IRS agents to the border to guard against tha immigrants, and the audience (rightly)��.
Its Time to Draft Ted Cruz for President - RedState
Ted Cruz has demonstrated that hes the consistent conservative who will do what it takes to roll back Barack Obamas agenda in 2016.. RedState Gathering Set For Atlanta in 2015! Click here for more information.. Ive gotten to know Ted Cruz over the past three years. I worked on the ground here in Texas to elect him to the U.S. Senate and I served as one of his regional directors until end of February.. Were thankful to finally have a voice in Washington. It gives��.
John Boehner calls out Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions on immigration feud
After a closed House Republican meeting, Boehner (R-Ohio) said his chamber has ���won this fight,��� but he added that the ���fight must be won in the United States Senate.��� ���Its time for Sen. Cruz and Sen. Sessions and Senate Republicans and Senate. The.
Heres what we know about the faith of Sen. Cruz, whos set.
Heres what we know about the faith of Sen. Cruz, whos set to announce his ��� Washington Post Sen. Ted Cruz is expected to announce his bid for the White House at Liberty University, a large evangelical institution founded��.
Once Hailed as GOP Savior, Marco Rubio Now an.
A number of one-time Rubio fundraisers, including Washington lobbyist and longtime Rubio adviser Dirk Van Dongen, have said they will back Jeb Bush instead of the Florida senator.. upset Senate victory in Florida, have broken with the senator because of his embrace of immigration reform and are for now considering other candidates, particularly Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas... Its not to say that we are not in support of Marco Rubio.
Bubbas buckraking points to more problems for Hillary
Wealthy hedge fund manager Kai Jiang wanted to pay the former president an undisclosed amount through a charity fund set up by his wife, Crystal Huang, a Chinese TV and film star who regularly serves as fodder for the Chinese tabloids.. You know, I.
Peter Singer on why we should call Islamic extremism.
The conservative US Senator Ted Cruz, who may be about to announce his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination, has said, ���You cannot defeat an enemy if you refuse to acknowledge what it is.��� That line could win votes.. that ���your faith is false���? As we know from Graeme Woods analysis of ISIS, its adherents are absolutely, positively convinced that not only are they following the precise dictates of the Quran, but that other Muslims are simply wrong.
Aaron Schock Resigning From Congress Amid Spending.
Schocks spending came under scrutiny after a Washington Post report highlighted the Republicans newly redecorated office, allegedly modeled after the popular British period drama Downton Abbey.. Subsequent reports detailed a taxpayer funded weekend in New York for his staffers, a dozen charter flights worth over $40,000 on donors planes and $24,000 in campaign funds spent on concerts and events, including a... Click here to view Conversations��.
A world-conquering start-up finds itself lost in translation in Tokyo.
It would be hard, I imagine, not to like Yoppy if you were to meet him at a dinner party or at a gathering of pharmacists or financial planners (according to his profile, Yoppy is both a pharmacist and a financial planner), but still that says little.
Jeb Bush, hopefuls address hot Iowa topic
In his remarks, Bush also defended his position in favor of legal status for undocumented immigrants after they meet a wide set of requirements. And while attending a fundraiser Friday night in Des Moines, he stood by his support for Common Core, the .
Quotes Supporting and Opposing Immigration Reform.
Updated March 22, 2013 | Download PDF here Since the 2012 election, leading Republican and conservative voices are calling for a new Republican approach to immigration, as evidenced by the following quotes: Quotes by U.S. Senators [���]. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), as reported by The Washington Post: ���We are dealing with the question of the 11 million people paying their taxes, having a path to legalization and, then, ultimately, to citizenship ��� tough issues,��.
Israeli election: Public is fed up
���For them to address a letter to the ayatollah, who they claim is our mortal enemy, and their basic argument is, Dont deal with our president because you cant trust him enough to follow through on an agreement, thats unprecedented.��� (Vice.
The Cathedral of Computation
It turns out that we have a long history of explaining the present via the output of industry. These rationalizations are always grounded in familiarity, and thus they feel convincing. But mostly they are metaphors. Heres Nicholas Carrs take on.
Santorums new book reveals how faith and love are tested by a daughters.
When his turn came to speak, the former senator from Pennsylvania choked on tears and described the birth of his youngest, Isabella Maria Santorum. She has an. Rick told Elizabeth to save the box, in case they needed it to send the bed back to the.
DHS funding bill stalls -- again -- in Senate over immigration
Richard Hudson told CNN, Weve acted, weve done what we need to do, and House Republicans are waiting to see what the Senate Republicans can do to force Democrats to take up the House-passed bill. Weve got some allies like Ted Cruz and Sen.
Hillary lets Dems twist on her email scandal
Vice President Joe Biden will address gay rights activists tonight in Washington D.C. and Former Gov. Martin OMalley, D-Md., is set to spend the weekend in New Hampshire, delivering a keynote address tonight at a fundraiser for the Merrimack County .
Ted Cruz: intelligent and driven | Pesky Truth
Ted Cruz Rafael Edward ���Ted��� Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, on December 22, 1970, where his parents, Eleanor Elizabeth Wilson Darragh and Rafael Bienvenido Cruz were living while working in the energy. ���I came here with a legal visa, and ��� every step of the way, I have been here legally.���.. Cruzs election to the U.S. Senate has been described by the Washington Post as ���the biggest upset of 2012. a true grassroots victory against very long odds.
Transcript: Obamas State of the Union address 2015
. we turn the page. Tonight, after a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999.. America, for all that weve endured, for all the grit and hard work required to come back, for all the.