Facebook CEO names head of foundation working with Newark schools
NEWARK ��� Jennifer Holleran, a 20-year educator and former director of New Leaders for New Schools, has been chosen to lead Start Up: Education, the $100 million project funded by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in partnership with Newark Mayor Cory .
Obamacare Enrollment Reopened For Taxpayers Hit By Mandate Fine
15 deadline is eligible for the new enrollment opportunity. Those who qualify must not have health insurance, must already have filed their taxes and paid the mandate penalty for 2014 and must attest they only learned about the fine after Sundays.
Arizona Medicaid Expansion Advances After Jan Brewer Forces Lawmakers.
Republican legislative leaders and conservative lawmakers have bristled at Brewers embrace of the expansion, a key component of Obamacare, and objected to her calling a special session when the legislature was scheduled to reconvene later in the week.
John Boehner: Keep Your Plan Bill Is A Step Toward Obamacare Repeal
After House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) declared that House Republicans would end the government shutdown over Obamacare funding by allowing a vote on a bipartisan Senate deal, he said the House would try to repeal Obamacare by relying on .
Pews new pension study understates Illinois pension problem
Those who retired after that date have to pay premiums, but the amount is reduced by 5 percent for each year of service. Someone who retires with 20 or more years with the state does not have to pay a premium for coverage. However, they are required to .
US Representative, Arizonas 7th Congressional District; Iraq War veteran
But, even if plaintiffs were not so unusual, and they would indeed be subject to penalties, their claims of economic damages fail on their face.. This statement comes after careful consideration because I am heartbroken about the current state of.
Obama Speaks On Health Care Law Rollout Problems
The essence of the law, the health insurance thats available to people, is working just fine, he said. The White House says more. The president did acknowledge that the failures would provide new fodder for opponents of the law, often referred to.
Government Shutdown Begins As Congress Fails To Pass Continuing Resolution
The Senate twice on Monday rejected House-passed bills that, first, conditioned keeping the government open to delaying key portions of the 2010 Obamacare law that take effect Tuesday, and then delayed for a year the laws requirement that millions.
Obamacare Enrollment Reopened For Taxpayers Hit By.
Obamacare Enrollment Reopened For Taxpayers Hit By Mandate Fine ��� Huffington Post. Post by wpjljron 20 February, 2015 Category : Trending. Obamacare Enrollment Reopened For Taxpayers Hit By Mandate Fine ��� Huffington Postby��.
Wonkbook: Digging beyond the main findings of the Goldilocks jobs report
Wonkbooks Top 5 Stories: (1) Digesting the jobs numbers; (2) how Obamacare has dropped uninsured rate; (3) Affordable Care Acts new challenges include friendly fire; (4) climate communications breakdown; and (5) more on the Fort Hood fallout. 1.