LONDON, March 10--Control of the Mediterranean, a senior Allied officer remarked the other day, would be absolutely essential to the Western powers in the event of a war in Europe.. importance of Mediterranean area discussed; Turkey, Greece and Yugoslavia stressed; map; cartoon
French Jets Bombing Libya Were Recently on Sale There.
This is turning into the best shop window for competing aircraft for years. More even than in Iraq in 2003, says Francis Tusa, editor of UK-based Defense Analysis. You are seeing for the first time on an operation the Typhoon��.
The American Education of Vladimir Putin
U.S. businesses that moved into St. Petersburg had to deal directly with Deputy Mayor Putin who, according to John Evans, the U.S. consul general in St. Petersburg at the time, was always helpful in resolving contract disputes between U.S. and Russian.
L AWRENCE S. Eagleburger is retiring next week as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, the top career position in the State Department. Michael H. Armacoast, former Ambassador to the Philippines, will succeed him. Mr. Eagleburger, a 27-year Foreign Service veteran, discussed Washingtons major foreign policy concerns last week with David Binder and Bernard Gwertzman of The New York Times Washington bureau. Excerpts follow. QUESTION. You have talked about an increasing focus on the Pacific and declining attention to Europe. Is there a growing rift with Western Europe? Answer. American attention to the Pacific Basin will continue to increase. Our trade with the Pacific is now greater than with Europe. But I was not arguing that we ought to be giving away Europe and moving to the Pacific. The U. S. has an obligation to try to understand whats going on and, working with the Europeans, to try to make sure that as events change over the next two decades, and as we increase our ties with the Pacific, we dont do that at the cost of ties with Europe.
Citizen Journalism in the Arab World: A Messy First Draft of.
The Columbia Journalism Review recently called NPR social-media strategist Andy Carvin, whos turned his Twitter feed into an invaluable fire hose of on-the-ground updates on the uprisings in the Arab world,. Carvin soon responded, telling @AnasAkkawi thats why I posted it. People claim it was filmed in Libya as well. And Iraq. And Lebanon. Trying to get to the bottom of it and @BSyria Like I said, its been claimed in half a dozen. Most Popular on The Atlantic��.
Balloonists Set Down 10 Miles Off Oahu
After flying more than halfway around the world and skirting storms, mountain ranges and hostile airspace, three veteran balloonists aboard the ICO Global Challenge were forced to ditch in the Pacific Ocean yesterday. Their landing at sea, 10 miles north of Kahuku Point, Oahu, in the Hawaiian Islands, ended the most nearly successful attempt by any balloonist to achieve the last great goal of the sport -- a nonstop trip around the world.. Three balloonists are forced to ditch their craft, ICO Global Challenge, in Pacific Ocean 10 miles north of Hawaiian Islands, ending most nearly successful attempt by any ballonist to achieve a nonstop trip around the world; flight does not set a distance record, but has a notable success in crossing Asia from one end to the other (M)
The Year Ahead, 20 Years Ago
Historical analogies are always fraught with incongruities. Yet we make them anyway, perhaps to reassure ourselves that even though the present seems grim, the past either predicts that things will improve or at least reminds us that things arent as bad now as they once were. So looking back at the international scene in 1983, the height of what became known as the renewed cold war, might help us come to terms with the war we fought in 2003. And looking back at 1984, the year in which marked improvements on the most deadly issues in Soviet-American relations became manifest, might give us hope for a better New Year. In the fog of war, be it cold or hot, we sometimes forget that atmospherics, headlines and punditry typically belie a more fundamental reality. That is the lesson of 1983. It was a year in which Americas position in the world seemed most precarious, but it was also a time in which remarkable international cooperation was beginning to take hold. Although not visible to the public, turning points in the cold war were occurring. And despite vigorous protests against American foreign policy on both sides of the Atlantic, the Western alliance was becoming stronger and more durable. Sounds familiar.. Op-Ed article by Kiron K Skinner draws historical analogy between Pres Reagans actions in 1983 and Pres Bushs actions in 2003; says at height of cold war, Reagans foreign policy was called into question and he was widely blamed for risking countrys security and future; says he was called warmonger and accused of election-year maneuvering; says there was friction in allied relations; says ultimately, it was Reagans strategy of strength and resolve that marked final turning point of cold war, and similar strategy might be at work again today; drawing (M)
Sunburn ��� The morning read of whats hot in Florida politics ��� February 16
Wednesday in particular will be a doozy as growlers, the disbursement of funds tied to Amendment 1, and the Seminole gaming contract ��� a keyhole glimpse into the power dynamic between Governor Scott who supports renewal and legislative leaders who.
DRUMBEAT OF NATIONALISM ECHOES IN NEAR EAST; Anti-British Actions in Cairo and Teheran Have Wide Repercussions Political Facts No Secret to the West Diplomatic Action Blocked Moscow Ready to Pounce NOW LISTEN--!
PARIS, Oct. 13--Louis Hubert Gonzalve Lyautey, Marshal of France and pacificator of Morocco, used to say of the sprawling Islamic world that, it was like a drum: no matter where it was tapped, it resounded all over. The simile is proving dramatically apt.. TWA issues folders on Mediterranean area sidetrips
Remembering Germany
America’s once strong alliance with Germany has soured. The new administration should rekindle this relationship, which is essential to turning the global economy around.
Libya Is Turning Into Iraq
But the setting of the attack���Libya���represents two disturbing trends in the Middle East. One is that ISISs reach now extends thousands of miles from its base in Iraq and Syria. The other is that Libya���the one-time stronghold of dictator Muammar .
Egypt seeks to diversify weapon providers: Experts
He cited ���external threats��� as the reason the army sought the aircraft, adding that Egypt ���is facing a threatening belt from the East from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, and Gaza, among others���. Egyptian military expert and professor Robert.
Charting Obama’s Journey to a Shift on Afghanistan
President Obama concluded in his first year that the Bush-era dream of remaking Afghanistan was a fantasy. The lessons he has learned there have shaped his presidency.. Pres Obama, attending a NATO summit meeting in Chicago, is expected to announce an end to all combat operations in Afghanistan by the summer of 2013; decision culminates a long evolution of Obamas policy on the war, beginning with his rejection of Bush-era nation-building in favor of more attainable objectives.
White House condemns beheading of Egyptian Christians in Libya
The White House on Sunday condemned the beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians by militants claiming affiliation with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, saying the action ���only further galvanizes the international community to unite against.
Libyas Awash in Qaddafis Golden Guns and Other.
Others are unnerving. An Atlantic Wire reader just sent us the above photo of what appears to be a gold-plated Beretta 92 that was allegedly taken from Qaddafis main military base in Tripoli. The reader, a Lebanese national��.
‘Rock the Casbah’
“The most important story of the early twenty-first century is the epic convulsion across the Islamic world.”
Textual Excerpts From Prime Minister Winston Churchills Address
LONDON, May 7 -- Following are textual excerpts from Prime Minister Winston Churchills statement today to the House of Commons:. Lloyd George attacks Eden policy on Turkey
A Defining Moment for Africa: North Atlantic Terrorists Will.
There is now a glaring truth confronting the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) ��� Muammar Qaddafi has handed out over one million kalashnikovs to the Libyan people. If he was the brutal dictator. After spending billions of dollars at a time when their economies are in deep crisis and reeling from the cost of years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, Europe and the US are now scrambling for a solution which will allow them to save face. The French, who were the��.
The Real Lessons of Libya: Reflections on NATOs Success
Ira Louis Straus: Despite the constant barrage of anti-NATO rhetoric among Western media and politicians, the alliance has once again scored a victory in Libya.. The Atlantic Alliance has had a gradual learning from experience in its wars.. The main lesson is that NATO needs to get on with setting up arrangements for more efficient decision-making during conflict, for greater efficiency in setting up coalitions, and for defining the terms for its forces to go into conflict.
George Will / Curb your pessimism
The Obama administration has not recently repeated its suggestion that Vladimir Putin should find an offramp, its evident assumption being that Putin inadvertently took a wrong turn, with tanks, into Ukraine. But with Russia, nuclear-armed and.
Should NATO Engage in Libya? - Atlantic Community
Celine Touboul: Before deciding on whether to engage militarily in Libya, NATO should define the strategic objective of such mission, as they may not be consistent with the purpose of the organization. It should also carefully weigh the risks of escalation and failure of such intervention... There is no reason to suppose that this would turn out any better than Iraq or Afghanistan. The U.S. and its NATO allies cannot afford to get involved in a long, drawn-out civil war that��.
Poll: Majority disapprove of Obamas ISIL policies
Since the September poll was released, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant has burned a Jordanian pilot alive in a cage, carried out attacks on a satirical newspaper and kosher Jewish supermarket in Paris, and been held responsible for the death.
Our Supply Is Sure. to Be Short.; Oil The Naion But Not As Short AS Europes
WASHINGTON -- Shall the President of the United States be empowered by Congress to limit the number of hours that shopping centers, department stores and other commercial establishments may remain open?. Fed Govt and Cong moves to enact energy conservation measures and possible impact of oil shortage facing US consumer revd; various conservation methods discussed
Glossary of Extremists in Mideast and Africa
President Barack Obama presses ahead with his campaign to diminish and eventually defeat Islamic State group extremists in Iraq and Syria, but the list of radical Islamic elements the United States and many of its coalition allies are fighting does not stop there. Violent radicals inspired by al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden pepper the map from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic.
Oil Industry: Powerful, Little Known
The oil business, though one of the worlds largest industries, is also one of the least understood. Here is an explanation by William D. Smith, The New York Times oil specialist:. fact sheet on oil industry discusses composition of internatl oil trade, producing and consuming nations, role of oil cos, refinery capacity, relationship of producing nations to oil cos and consuming nations, oil co profits and important people in oil indus
The Week That Will Be
Tuesday, February 17th at 4 pm: Later at the Atlantic Council, General John Allen, Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL, will outline the future of the fight against the Islamic State. How will the coalition be sustained.
Tehrans Nightmare: A Revolution in Syria - Atlantic.
Atlantic Community Homepage RSS �� Home �� Our Mission �� About Us.. Weve seen that Libya is turning into a long-term project, and when Qaddafi is finally disposed of, its unclear what the next step for NATO forces will be in the country. Will NATO withdraw completely and let. Turmoil in Syria will undermine the shaky security situation in Iraq, Lebanon and Kurdish area in Turkey and will lead to more instability and casualties. Third: Syria is not so important for Iran.
Ready to Travel the World Together
Emma Marwood found her calling early. A high school exchange trip to Mexico first sparked her interest in living abroad, and the war in Iraq opened her eyes to the complexities of international affairs. Becoming a diplomat.. ���Once he arrived and.
Why the United States Always Loses Its Wars
Its a losing proposition in every imaginable way, not only for the aggressive American Empire that keeps starting and losing war after war, but especially for the ravaged nations it devastates and turns into demolished failed states with the King.
The war last Thursday entered its twenty-first month. In Berlin, where May 1 is usually a holiday dedicated to labor, the day passed without formal observance, but theatres did a thriving business and many Berliners celebrated quietly with walks in the green parks.
Bushies Weigh In on Libyan Intervention - The Wire
The ongoing military intervention by coalition forces in Libya has, in recent days, provoked reactions from former Bush administration officials who have their own experience with military campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan. Heres what theyre saying: Donald Rumsfeld: The former secretary of defense entered the conversation with this. Most Popular on The Atlantic. The Tide Slowly Turns in Kobani. By Adam Chandler. According to reports, U.S.-led airstrikes are��.
War Powers and Sucker Punches
. step into a sucker punch from the White House. The President claims that he needs a new authorization from Congress to pursue the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS); an authority the President didnt think he needed for the last six years.
Libya and trans-Atlantic tensions | Ballots and Bullets
When President George W. Bush fixed his sights on Tripoli after intervening in Iraq, there was, again, an absence of support from this side of the Atlantic. European states have differed with America over how to respond to the��.
Margaret Thatcher, ‘Iron Lady’ Who Set Britain on New Course, Dies at 87
Mrs. Thatcher, who set her country on a rightward economic path, held her nation’s top office longer than any other British politician in the 20th century.. Margaret Thatcher, Iron Lady of British politics who set her country on a rightward economic course, led it to victory in the Falklands war and helped guide the United States and the Soviet Union through the cold war’s difficult last years, dies at age 87; Thatcher was the first woman to become prime minister of Britain and the first to lead a major Western power in modern times.
The Atlantic Cant Figure Out Why U.S. Loses Wars.
Why Fallows ignores Libya I dont know, but Iraq and Afghanistan go down as losses in his book, I think, not because theres no draft or because the military and Congress are corrupt and build the wrong weapons, but because after blowing everything up, the military stuck around for years trying to make people like it by murdering their friends and. No draft is going to turn us into drones, the pilots of which death machines are themselves disconnected from the wars.
Egypts Fall in the Arab World
. With the military in control, the countrys power in a realigned Mideast is eroding. What are the regional consequences?
The Latest Front in a Long War
The stability of the North African region is more important than Afghanistan to the vital interests of the West.
On the Radar: Atlantic storms, Libya and Petraeus promotion
I would turn my head away and shoot. I saw the blood dripping, it just kept flowing, she said. Movin on up - U.S. Army Gen. David Petraeus, who served as the top U.S. commander in Iraq and then Afghanistan, is hanging up��.
This Week In Energy: Exports And Sanctions, Criss.
Its been a busy week in energy, particularly on the geopolitical front, with Washington at a loss over exactly whose side to take in the Iraq-Kurdish oil showdown, the implications of new.. with Washington at a loss over exactly whose side to take in the Iraq-Kurdish oil showdown, the implications of new sanctions against Russia unclear at best, and continued conflict and chaos in Iraq, Syria and Libya that has speculators reaching the limits of their predictive powers.
NATOs Global Offensive | Libya 360��
After engaging in out-of-area invasions and occupations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, and Syria and, again in Iraq, against the Islamic State, the North Atlantic military bloc has transformed itself from a Cold War defensive.. And NATO and its Pentagon masters have long yearned to turn the Yemeni strategic island of Socotra into an Indian Ocean version of Hawaii, a massive U.S. military base in the region that would dwarf the smaller base at Diego Garcia in��.
NATO After Libya | Foreign Affairs
NATO After Libya. The Atlantic Alliance in Austere Times. But before turning to prescriptions, it is important to look at the facts: what happened in Libya and whether the financial crisis has affected the global distribution of military power.. And now in 2011 in Libya NATO forces are playing same game as were paled in Afghanistan and Iraq in recent years it shows that NATO is only for the protection of Major powers interest by launching operations.. that is question mark. View the��.
9/11 Was NATOs License to Expand Globally | Global.
After engaging in out-of-area invasions and occupations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, and Syria and, again in Iraq, against the ��Islamic State,�� the ��North Atlantic�� military bloc has transformed itself from a Cold War.. And NATO and its Pentagon masters have long yearned to turn the Yemeni strategic island of Socotra into an Indian Ocean version of Hawaii, a massive U.S. military base in the region that would dwarf the smaller base at Diego Garcia in the��.
Why Islamic State will be defeated more easily than al Qaeda
The Islamic State cannot. If it loses its grip on its territory in Syria and Iraq, it will cease to be a caliphate. Caliphates cannot exist as underground movements, because territorial authority is a requirement: take away its command of territory.
Islamic State Secures New Haven in Libya
���As all the attention of the two sides was on fighting the other side, this kind of groups prospered in the political and military void,��� said Karim Mezran, a Libya expert at the Atlantic Council in Washington. ���There are no good guys or bad guys.
INTERNATIONAL A3-9 U.S. Cites Iraqi Role At Factory in Sudan American officials said senior Iraqi scientists were helping to produce elements of the nerve agent VX at the factory in Khartoum that American cruise missiles destroyed last week. A1 Pakistans Foreign Ministry said an unexploded missile, which it believed was a stray from last weeks American attack on suspected terrorist training centers in Afghanistan, had been found in a remote area of Pakistan. The Ministry said the finding proved that Pakistans airspace was violated during the barrage, and it planned to lodge a complaint at the United Nations. A7
Obama’s Pick for Defense Is an Ally, and a Lightning Rod
The White House is betting that opposition to Chuck Hagel, a maverick Republican former senator nominated for defense secretary, won’t stop his confirmation in the Senate.. Pres Obama appears poised to nominate Chuck Hagel, maverick former Republican senator, for defense secretary; choice, which would add prominent Republican to Obamas cabinet, is divisive one; his confirmation is likely to be opposed by many Republicans, wary over his support for Israel and seriousness about Iranian nuclear threat, and some Democrats, who are nervous about comments he made a decade ago about gays.
The Battle for Libyas Oil
In the grim accounting of the wars in Syria and Iraq, this may seem a paltry figure by comparison. But Libyas population is three and a half times smaller than Syrias, and more than five times smaller than Iraqs. And the wars persistence is.
The US-ROK Military Alliance: South Korea Caught in NATOs Web
With the appointment of Ashton Carter as U.S. Secretary of Defense, South Korea can expect to be pressured into assuming a more active role in future U.S. invasions and bombing campaigns. When South Korea signed an Individual. That was followed by.
Dennis Kucinich Praises Bush, Slams Obama on Libya.
Reuters. Presented by. In todays Twilight Zone moment, liberal stalwart Dennis Kucinich praised former President George W. Bush while slamming President Barack Obama for his handling of the conflict in Libya. This morning, the anti-war congressman took to C-SPAN to harangue Obama for dragging the U.S. into another war, while noting that Bush at least formally consulted Congress about the Iraq War prior to the U.S.-led invasion.. Most Popular on The Atlantic��.
U.S. Military Failed in Rescue Attempt for Journalist Foley
The U.S. military earlier this summer carried out an attempt to rescue journalist James Foley and other American hostages held in Syria, a U.S. official said on Wednesday, in an operation that the Pentagon said ultimately failed to find the captives.
Lacking a national strategy, suppose America retrenches
As wars in Afghanistan and Iraq painfully revealed, the best military in the world cannot defeat an adversary that lacks a coherent army, navy or air force and is armed with an idea and a movement. And the other tools for promoting. Suppose any.
World Struggle
That, by an act of Parliament in 1927, became the official title of Britains King-Emperor. The rhythmic words symbolized British sway over 450,000,000 persons and nearly one-quarter (12,000,000 square miles) of the total land surface of the earth. Last week, after less than twenty months of war, Britain and her empire resolutely faced grave threats.. ed