How Palestinians Could Use Israels Own Legal Analysis Before The ICC
���If and when a case against settlements is initiated at the ICC, I would be very surprised if the Meron report were not introduced into evidence,��� Duss wrote in an email to The Huffington Post. ���Its one thing to argue that the settlements are a.
US Homeland Security chief defends Obamas immigration plan
. Committee on Homeland Security that marked the first public airing of Republican resistance toward U.S. President Barack Obamas executive action, which is expected to allow 4.7 million undocumented immigrants to stay and work in the United States.
Obama Immigration Plan Leaves Young Immigrants Hopeful.
By KATE BRUMBACK, ASSOCIATED PRESS ATLANTA -- Scores of young undocumented immigrants who have called the United States home for most of their lives are excited by the Obama administrations decision allowing. Finally, justice has come, said Ricky Campos, a 23-year-old college student in Maryland who was brought to the U.S. without documentation from El Salvador when he was 12... A great post from darlnitsme that deserves many viewings.
John Boehner To Take Step To Potentially Sue Obama Over.
The largest components of those actions are deportation relief programs: one that would grant temporary work authorization and the ability to stay in the country to undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. years ago as children, and another. Theres no reason for me to speculate about what we will or wont do, he said in a press conference after meeting with House GOP members.. Why should the Senate pass anything, when the buck stops at the House.
The Legal -- and Moral -- Case for Obamas Immigration Action
Despite consensus among the legal community about the constitutionality of President Obamas actions -- scholars on both sides of the political spectrum have said the president has full authority to protect people who meet certain criteria from.
Federal Judge Says Obamas Amnesty Immigration Order Unconstitutional.
The Justice Department shot back that the judge was ���flatly wrong,��� and his ruling wouldnt halt the implementation of Obamas immigration policies.. Juarez-Escobar, whod been deported before, returned to the United States and faced charges of.
Obama Immigration Policy: Politicians React To.
The Obama administration announced Friday that it will stop deporting law-abiding young undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and will instead begin granting them work permits. The new policy will��.
Obama Promises Swift Action On Immigration In Meeting.
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama lifted the spirits of a room full of progressive leaders on Tuesday when he pledged to tackle immigration reform early in his second term, half a dozen sources either in the room or with knowledge of the conversat.. Former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney lost the 2012 election after receiving only about 27 percent of the Latino vote -- a smaller percentage than Republican candidates did in 2008, 2004 and 2000.
US judge throws out Arizona sheriffs immigration suit against Obama
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal judge on Tuesday threw out a lawsuit brought against Barack Obama by an Arizona police chief who called the U.S. presidents sweeping immigration reforms unconstitutional, saying the plaintiff lacked legal standing in.
Judge Temporarily Halts Obamas Immigration Actions
WASHINGTON -- A federal judge issued a preliminary injunction on Monday that will temporarily prevent the Obama administration from moving forward with its executive actions on immigration while a lawsuit against the president works its way through the .
Heres Every Argument Youll Need For Your Immigration Debate This.
. filled regardless of whether Obama indiscriminately deports the parents of U.S. citizens. Bottom line: Even after abiding by all the rules in this executive action, the federal government likely will continue to deport large numbers of undocumented.
Obama Can Do A Lot On His Own To Change Immigration, Experts Say
There is prosecutorial discretion which can be exercised in these sorts of situations, said Leon Rodriguez, a former Justice Department lawyer and the newly confirmed director for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.. With Congress declining.
Obama Applauds Immigration Bill Vote - Huffington Post
President Barack Obama lauded the Senate Judiciary Committees passing of an immigration bill on Tuesday, calling the action a strong bipartisan vote. Obama released a statement after the Senates 13-5 decision in favor��.
HuffPost Talks With Obama Administration Officials After.
President Barack Obama used his first State of the Union address after once again ramping up U.S. military involvement in the Middle East to describe his foreign policy as a judicious mix of military force and diplomacy.. Even in a speech in which Obama said the word immigration only twice -- plus immigrant and immigrants once each -- the presence of those guests was meant to send a message that Democrats are committed to programs like Deferred Action��.
ICE Official Who Leaked Obamas Aunts Immigration Status.
A Republican-nominated immigration judge called the leak ���reckless��� and granted Onyango asylum in 2010. Obama mostly stayed out of the controversy, but conservatives quickly expressed outrage, particularly after it was��.
Arizonans Respond to Brewer Attack on Obama: Governor.
As President Obama hailed the extraordinary contributions undocumented youth will make to our society, stressing his executive order for a temporary halt of deportations of immigrant youth was neither amnesty nor a path to permanent citizenship, Gov. Jan Brewer. Arizonas Governor Brewer declared President Obamas executive action allowing Dream Act eligible students to stay and work in the United States as a preemtive strike against S.B.1070.
Obama Moves To Protect Millions From Deportation
WASHINGTON -- In the boldest move on immigration policy of his presidency, President Barack Obama announced plans Thursday evening to dramatically increase deportation relief for an estimated 4.4 million undocumented immigrants. The executive .
Jose Antonio Vargas Among Undocumented Immigrants Making Urgent Plea To.
They are applying for deferred action that would allow them to remain in the U.S. temporarily, while urging President Barack Obama to halt deportations. The New York Times. The project started after Vargas, who came to the U.S. from the Philippines.
Obama To Host Congressional Leaders As Post-Election.
Obama countered that he will ignore Republican warnings and use his executive powers to ease some restrictions on undocumented residents, since House Republicans have steadfastly refused to advance immigration legislation.. Other bills likely to see action in the month-long session include one to extend some temporary tax provisions, a bill renewing Pentagon programs and an expiring terrorism risk insurance bill that is important to developers of major��.
House Loses Memo on How to Succeed on Immigration.
A year after the president announced DACA, the Republican-controlled House seems not to have read -- or to have lost -- the memo on what makes good immigration policy. The House has embarked. A year ago on June 15, President Obama announced the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which temporarily halted deportation proceedings for young immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children without documents. Days later, the U.S.��.
Obama To Host Congressional Leaders As Post-Election Battles Boil
Other bills likely to see action in the month-long session include one to extend some temporary tax provisions, a bill renewing Pentagon programs and an expiring terrorism risk insurance bill that is important to developers of major construction.
Obama Makes No Mention Of Guns In State Of The Union.
Two years after the shooting massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, the absence of guns from Obamas speech marked a departure from previous years, in which the president urged.. Even in a speech in which Obama said the word immigration only twice -- plus immigrant and immigrants once each -- the presence of those guests was meant to send a message that Democrats are committed to programs like Deferred Action for��.
Obama Pushes The Right Thing For Workers - Huffington.
Or will we commit ourselves to an economy that generates rising incomes and chances for everyone who makes the effort?��� Obama said. ���We need to set our sights higher than just making sure government doesnt halt the progress were making... Obama said the word immigration only twice -- plus immigrant and immigrants once each -- the presence of those guests was meant to send a message that Democrats are committed to programs like Deferred Action��.
Sunday Roundup
This week, President Obama announced the temporary halt of deportations for an estimated 4.4 million undocumented parents of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents. It was a welcome, if belated, move for a president who, as of April, had deported.
Immigration Reform: Go Incrementally, Mr. Obama, and Go Before November
The question now, as formulated in the media, is: Should Mr. Obama, working via executive action, go big or go incrementally on immigration reform? And should he go now, before the November midterms, or go after? (See here, here, here, here, and here.).
Why Immigration Reform Could Have Zero Impact On Your.
Republicans will realize that President Obamas deferred enforcement action could be a bomb planted at the heart of the regulatory state.. The presidents action is being hotly debated but one things clear: he can decide whether or not to go after illegal immigrants. And more importantly, so can his successor. Its just temporary relief. Which means that, barring any further legislation from Congress or a lawsuit challenging the action (both very strong possibilities),��.
Why Immigration Reform Could Have Zero Impact On Your Business
The action is allowing millions of undocumented immigrants to apply for legal status in the U.S. The people who are affected are those who are parents of U.S. citizens and permanent residents who have resided in the country for at least five years.
Latino Rebels | This Federal Judge Seems Unimpressed.
Howell was hearing arguments from Arpaios lawyer on whether the new immigration policy should be temporarily halted while the case is litigated. The judge also heard from the federal government, which asked the. The judge also took a moment to address a recent ruling out of Pennsylvania striking down Obamas new policy, which she called ���a real puzzle,��� according to The Huffington Post. The Department of Justice is expected to appeal that decision soon.
Immigration Reform - Huffington Post
The question now, as formulated in the media, is: Should Mr. Obama, working via executive action, go big or go incrementally on immigration reform? And should he go now, before the November midterms, or go after? (See here, here, here, here, and here.) Much as it. But extending temporary deportation, by two-year increments, is by definition incremental; extending deferment permanently would be going big. Incremental or big, earned citizenship or amnesty: Its��.
Whats with the word game on Islamist militants?
Sekulow: Legal semantics blunt sane strategy - Fox News Opinion: Pointing to the deadly threat posed by Western jihadists carrying out attacks on the homeland, Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice writes that its time to strip U.S.
Californians Back Obama Acting On Immigrant Children If.
The findings come just days after the president said he was committed to taking executive action on immigration issues, despite threats from conservatives who have said they may tie a must-pass budget bill to immigration policies.. But in California, three out of five Californians said the government should renew Obamas 2012 executive order that temporarily deferred deportations for illegal immigrants who were students, recent graduates or former U.S. military��.
States Brace For Flood Of Requests For Deportation Relief
President Barack Obama announced in November the new Deferred Action for Parents Act (DAPA), which will offer parents of citizens or lawful residents temporary relief from deportation and a chance for legal work permission as long as they have been in.