Are Mario Cuomo's ideals the Democratic Party's past, or its future?

Are Mario Cuomo's ideals the Democratic Party's past, or its future? - Christian Science Monitor: Photo Gallery





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^“Hun yun” by TianLiang Maa 「魂韻」 馬天亮 撰 © 1981 University of California, Berkeley, the United States of America
^“Hun yun” by TianLiang Maa 「魂韻」 馬天亮 撰 © 1981 University of California, Berkeley, the United States of America

^“Hun yun” by TianLiang Maa 「魂韻」 馬天亮 撰 © 1981 University of California, Berkeley, the United States of America

^“Hun yun” by TianLiang Maa 「魂韻」 馬天亮 撰 © 1981 University of California, Berkeley, the United States of America


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Flatirons after snow dusting

Flatirons after snow dusting

Flatirons after snow dusting


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臺灣總統候選人 Taiwan Presidential Candidate 141031 TVBS 特別企劃,九合一變天危機 p7

臺灣總統候選人 Taiwan Presidential Candidate 141031 TVBS 特別企劃,九合一變天危機 p7

臺灣總統候選人 Taiwan Presidential Candidate 141031 TVBS 特別企劃,九合一變天危機 p7


Democratic Underground
Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground

Democratic Underground

Mario Cuomos 1984 Convention




Andrew Cuomo vowed sweeping

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Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post

Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post

Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post

Mario Cuomo

^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa, 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 HathiTrust Digital Library, USA
^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa, 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 HathiTrust Digital Library, USA

^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa, 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 HathiTrust Digital Library, USA

^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa, 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 HathiTrust Digital Library, USA


^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa, 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 HathiTrust Digital Library, USA.
^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa, 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 HathiTrust Digital Library, USA.

^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa, 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 HathiTrust Digital Library, USA.

^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa, 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 HathiTrust Digital Library, USA.


`「淺談死光」 Da lu guan cha 大陸觀察, Volume 11 - Page 1 from inside the book about 馬天亮 TianLiang Maa © 1983
`「淺談死光」 Da lu guan cha 大陸觀察, Volume 11 - Page 1 from inside the book about 馬天亮 TianLiang Maa © 1983

`「淺談死光」 Da lu guan cha 大陸觀察, Volume 11 - Page 1 from inside the book about 馬天亮 TianLiang Maa © 1983

`「淺談死光」 Da lu guan cha 大陸觀察, Volume 11 - Page 1 from inside the book about 馬天亮 TianLiang Maa © 1983






James Fallows - Authors - The Atlantic
James Fallows - Authors - The Atlantic

James Fallows - Authors - The Atlantic

James Fallows - Authors - The Atlantic

Mario Cuomo during his most

US and World News | NBC New York
US and World News | NBC New York

US and World News | NBC New York

US and World News | NBC New York

Mourn Mario Cuomo NY Has

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, Shapely Studio of Creative and Cultural Industries® 2014

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, Shapely Studio of Creative and Cultural Industries® 2014


US and World News | NBC New York
US and World News | NBC New York

US and World News | NBC New York

US and World News | NBC New York

Mario Cuomo Dies

^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 University of Michigan, U.S.A.
^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 University of Michigan, U.S.A.

^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 University of Michigan, U.S.A.

^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 University of Michigan, U.S.A.


ABC News - New York, NY - TV Network | Facebook
ABC News - New York, NY - TV Network | Facebook

ABC News - New York, NY - TV Network | Facebook

ABC News - New York, NY - TV Network | Facebook

Mario Cuomo Dead





Are Mario Cuomos ideals the Democratic Partys past, or its.
Are Mario Cuomos ideals the Democratic Partys past, or its.

Are Mario Cuomos ideals the Democratic Partys past, or its.

Are Mario Cuomos ideals the Democratic Partys past, or its.

Mario Cuomo, Oct. 19, 1994. Mr. Cuomo, a three-term governor, died Thursday,

Are Mario Cuomos ideals the Democratic Partys past, or its.
Are Mario Cuomos ideals the Democratic Partys past, or its.

Are Mario Cuomos ideals the Democratic Partys past, or its.

Are Mario Cuomos ideals the Democratic Partys past, or its.

DC Decoder

`「聲音藝術的審美角度」 Jiao yu za zhi (Educational Magazine) 教育雜誌 © 1983, Da xue za zhi 大學雜誌 © 1982 by 馬天亮 TianLiang Maa
`「聲音藝術的審美角度」 Jiao yu za zhi (Educational Magazine) 教育雜誌 © 1983, Da xue za zhi 大學雜誌 © 1982 by 馬天亮 TianLiang Maa

`「聲音藝術的審美角度」 Jiao yu za zhi (Educational Magazine) 教育雜誌 © 1983, Da xue za zhi 大學雜誌 © 1982 by 馬天亮 TianLiang Maa

`「聲音藝術的審美角度」 Jiao yu za zhi (Educational Magazine) 教育雜誌 © 1983, Da xue za zhi 大學雜誌 © 1982 by 馬天亮 TianLiang Maa


^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 University of Michigan, USA.
^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 University of Michigan, USA.

^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 University of Michigan, USA.

^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 University of Michigan, USA.


馬天亮 (TianLiang Maa) Google+ A Time to Remember 100,964 views 141031
馬天亮 (TianLiang Maa) Google+ A Time to Remember 100,964 views 141031

馬天亮 (TianLiang Maa) Google+ A Time to Remember 100,964 views 141031

馬天亮 (TianLiang Maa) Google+ A Time to Remember 100,964 views 141031


The PBS NewsHour: About - WNYC
The PBS NewsHour: About - WNYC

The PBS NewsHour: About - WNYC

The PBS NewsHour: About - WNYC

Former New York Governor Mario

臺灣總統候選人 Taiwan Presidential Candidate 141031 TVBS 特別企劃,九合一變天危機 p7
臺灣總統候選人 Taiwan Presidential Candidate 141031 TVBS 特別企劃,九合一變天危機 p7

臺灣總統候選人 Taiwan Presidential Candidate 141031 TVBS 特別企劃,九合一變天危機 p7

臺灣總統候選人 Taiwan Presidential Candidate 141031 TVBS 特別企劃,九合一變天危機 p7


馬天亮 (TianLiang Maa) Google+ A Time to Remember 100,964 views 141031
馬天亮 (TianLiang Maa) Google+ A Time to Remember 100,964 views 141031

馬天亮 (TianLiang Maa) Google+ A Time to Remember 100,964 views 141031

馬天亮 (TianLiang Maa) Google+ A Time to Remember 100,964 views 141031


^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa, 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 HathiTrust Digital Library, US.
^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa, 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 HathiTrust Digital Library, US.

^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa, 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 HathiTrust Digital Library, US.

^“Hun yun, jin qi tu rui” by TianLiang Maa, 魂韻 (衿契吐蕊) 馬天亮 著 © 1983 HathiTrust Digital Library, US.





Mario Cuomo remembered: ���I





© 馬天亮攝影, 扫荡周刊 (掃蕩周刊) 1984, Da xue za zhi 1982 about TianLiang Maa
© 馬天亮攝影, 扫荡周刊 (掃蕩周刊) 1984, Da xue za zhi 1982 about TianLiang Maa

© 馬天亮攝影, 扫荡周刊 (掃蕩周刊) 1984, Da xue za zhi 1982 about TianLiang Maa

© 馬天亮攝影, 扫荡周刊 (掃蕩周刊) 1984, Da xue za zhi 1982 about TianLiang Maa


Are Mario Cuomo's ideals the Democratic Party's past, or its future? - Christian Science Monitor: Videos

adventist report: Christ, Our PriestLesson 8.
adventist report: Christ, Our PriestLesson 8.

adventist report: Christ, Our PriestLesson 8.

Sabbath School Leaders can discover ideas in Cool Tools and access. Christian Record.

Are Mario Cuomo's ideals the Democratic Party's past, or its future? - Christian Science Monitor: Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Republicans Make Gains In Some State Legislatures, Too

Republicans picked up two state Senate seats in New York, paving the way for a Republican ruling majority again next year, despite a statewide 2-to-1 disadvantage in party enrollment.. We had our best fundraising year to date, recruited some of the.

Two midterm elections have hollowed out the Democratic Party

The past two midterm elections have been cruel to Democrats, costing them control of the House and now the Senate, and producing a cumulative wipeout in the states. The 2010. Andrew M. Cuomo won a second term, but cant get out of Clintons shadow.

David Bromwich, American Exceptionalism and Its Discontents

And the presidential candidates, baying for the exceptional privilege of entering the Oval Office in 2017, will join a jostling crowd of past presidential candidates, presidential wannabes, major politicians, minor figures, and pundits galore who. Bridal parties, brides and grooms, hundreds of wedding goers obliterated by American air power!... Governor Mario Cuomo of New York, in his keynote address at the 1984 Democratic convention, put this straightforwardly.

Were Democrats Wrong To Sideline Obama? Even Top.

WASHINGTON -- Following their major losses in Tuesdays elections, Democrats self-therapy sessions have largely boiled down to grappling with a single question: Would the partys candidates have done better if they hadnt distanced thems.. ���I dont think so,��� said Priebus in a reporter briefing sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor on Friday, ���only because the president made it so clear that he was on the ballot, or at least his policies were on the ballot, that it��.

AFL-CIO may target Texas in 2014 elections - Daily Kos

���Its a majority minority state, and right now the minorities are denied the voice they should be entitled to,��� he told reporters at a Christian Science Monitor roundtable Thursday morning. [.] Laying out plans for. ���Well be involved at the state level, county level and district level, playing in some states where we havent in the past,��� Trumka said. As Markos has.. As the Democratic party grows weve got to be willing to put more money in newer states. The Dem party has��.

8 Indian Women Dead, 20 Sickened After Undergoing Sterilization Surgery

Indias government ��� long concerned about pervasive poverty among its rapidly growing 1.3 billion population��� performs millions of free sterilizations to both women and men who want to avoid the risk and cost of having a baby. The vast. These.

Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions Fail To Force Vote On Blocking Executive Action On.

Cruz and Sessions challenged red-state Democrats in particular to join them in opposing President Barack Obamas executive action on immigration, which he recently delayed after pleas from some members of his party, who said it could hurt their chances.

Why conventions still matter | Pundit Wire

27 in Tampa, Fla., and the Democrats a week later in Charlotte, N.C., they will try to make everyone stay on message and stick to their meticulously prepared scripts in what has become one of the most tightly controlled rituals in. (This article was originally published in The Christian Science Monitor). Can it be? Yes! Theyre shouting at him! ���Put the microphones down! We cant see you!��� Harry Truman, wearing a white linen suit, peers out at the delegates. Its 1948.

WisDems Daily Update-- Clips- March 4, 2014 - Democratic.

. UK-5 hours ago. Speaking to Fox News, he said: The definition for sexual orientation was defined by one of the principal authors, [former Rep] Tammy Baldwin of Madison,... Andrew Cuomo of New York and John Hickenlooper.. A gift to Democrats? Christian Science Monitor-by Linda Feldmann-18 hours ago. In the House Budget Committee report, chairman Paul Ryan (R) of Wisconsin agrees that some programs provide crucial aid to low-income families.

Safe Democracy Foundation �� Blog Archive �� Religion.

On the Democratic ticket are an African American who became a Christian as an adult and a progressive Catholic who defends a womans right to choose, whereas a non-fervent Episcopalian and a staunch Evangelist can be found.. There are prominent Catholic leaders in both parties (Jeb Bush, a Catholic convert, on the Republican side and Mario Cuomo for the Democrats).. The expressed ideas by the author do not reflect the opinions of SAFE DEMOCRACY.

Sleeping Problems: Why You Wake Up at Night - The Daily.

. than anything Democrats have managed since. Had Cuomo somehow won, he would have been a compelling president; the mostblunt-speaking since Theodore Roosevelt and the most intellectual since Woodrow Wilson.

maryland juice: JuiceBlender: Reporters on Gov. Martin O.

. White House race. Among the bits of juice below are recent comments from Governor OMalley about the recent CD6 Democratic Primary, comments about transvaginal probes, and remarks about Marylands budget battle:.. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR: Martin OMalley is often mentioned as a potential presidential candidate in 2016, and when asked Friday if he might run, he offered the usual ���Im too busy being governor of Maryland��� response. But Governor��.

Democrats Hope Minimum Wage Ballot Questions Will Drive Turnout In Key States

Dick Durbin, who said he urged party leaders to put it on the ballot.. Durbin said Democrats have been victimized in the past when Republicans put their own turnout-stoking measures like gay marriage bans on the ballot in conservative states.

Bye Bye Democracy!: 28 pages that could change the.

Bye Bye Democracy! In a functioning democracy, corporations answer to the government and the government answers to its citizens. In the US, its the other way around. Our pseudo-democracy, through its propaganda machine,. Dr. Barrett has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.

Airlines Have Finally Found A Fee They Dont Like

���The PFC is essentially a nonpartisan issue -- it represents investing in our infrastructure,��� said George Kelemen, a senior vice president at Airports Council International. ���Its the most free-market, local control option for funding infrastructure.

The Democrats Political Suicide

Two, curry favor with your partys traditional enemies: Wall Street, Big Pharma, the Christian Right, the energy and industrial agriculture trusts. That has the dual effect of blunting your message and blurring your image while emboldening the objects.

Orrin Hatch: GOP Ready To Give Democratic Blunderheads A Taste Of Their.

Hatch didnt weigh in specifically on that course of action but did seem skeptical earlier in his speech, saying that the Republican Party must offer solutions, not shutdowns. He also suggested that Republicans would be willing to cooperate with.


Governor Andrew Cuomo Quashes Moreland Commissions REBNY Subpoena and Other Follow-The-Money Subpoenas Hitting Too Close To Home(Noticing New York). Cuomo has been turning to G. Steven Pigeon, the former Erie County Democratic chairman, for politics, policy and fundraising, in part due to Pigeons close relationship with Assemblyman Sam Hoyt, one of Cuomos proxies in Buffalo,.. Egypt, Cool It With the Fatwas - Christian Science Monitor.

Were Democrats Wrong To Sideline Obama? Even Top Republicans Are Split

WASHINGTON -- Following their major losses in Tuesdays elections, Democrats self-therapy sessions have largely boiled down to grappling with a single question: Would the partys candidates have done better if they hadnt distanced themselves from.

Union Watch Highlights | Union Watch

Here are links to the top stories available online over the past week reporting on union activity including legislation, financial impact, reform activism, etc., from California and across the USA.. Cuomos Labor Pains By Nick Powell, August 25, 2013, City and State Gov. Andrew Cuomos relationship with organized labor is best described as complicated. Unlike many statewide Democrats who rely on heavy labor support in elections, Cuomo won his race in 2010 with��.

Debunking myths about vice presidential selection | MinnPost

The selection of Mondale thrilled the Democratic base by suggesting that its views would have a champion, but also led the Republicans to denounce the Democratic ticket as too liberal... entreaties in 1980; Bill Bradley, Bumpers, Sam Nunn and Tom Foley declined to be considered by Michael Dukakis in 1988; Mario Cuomo refused to be considered by Bill Clinton in 1992; and Richard Gephardt expressed credible disinterest in joining Al Gores ticket in 2000. Sen.

Andrew Cuomo and the Democrat Party bring some East.

The letter and accompanying post card was criticized even by party members, with one Democratic consultant saying it was the wrong way to inspire votes. ���Its a threatening letter. Its a scare piece that is unnecessary and. The committee ��� chaired by former Gov.. ���Many organizations monitor turnout in your neighborhood and are disappointed by the inconsistent voting of many of your neighbors,��� it says.. Michigan Discovers Its Future Has Been Canceled.

Obama Impeachment Talk Buoys Democrats In Immigration Showdown

Recent statements from conservatives like Iowa Representative Steve King and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin that Obama should be impeached are allowing Democrats to portray Republicans as irrational, adding a toxic mix to the immigration debate .

Democrats watch party gains disappear

WASHINGTON -- When President Obama was elected in 2008, his victory signaled a generational change and the prospect of renewal for the Democratic Party. Instead, the opposite has occurred. Over the past six years, the party has been hollowed out.

The Fallacy of Reaganomics 2/3 ~ Politicalgates

The army is the personification of force, and militarism will inevitably change the ideals of the people and turn the thoughts of our young men from the arts of peace to the science of war. The government which relies for its��.

Obama Outlines Immediate Goals For Congress, Including Force Against ISIS

Obama outlined several goals he has for the immediate future, noting hes going to engage Congress on a new resolution to use military force against the Islamic State, a militant group formerly known as ISIS or ISIL. Obama also said hes submitted a.

Audit faults Education Department on loan default prevention SUNY faculty.

ED DEFAULT PREVENTION FAULTED: The Education Department cannot ensure that its offices coordinate and consistently apply student loan default prevention efforts ��� because it doesnt have a comprehensive plan to prevent defaults, the departments. Book Club: Daniel Patrick Moynihan

In the Republican landslide of 1994 that saw his co-Empire State Democrat Mario Cuomo dispatched from the Governors mansion, Moynihan won quite easily with 55%.. Thus, someone like Moynihan could quite easily look at a state of affairs--say persistent urban poverty--and quickly ascertain what has gone wrong in the past, what will probably go wrong in the future, and conclude that attempting to change it is futile (especially if the proposed change is sweeping)��.

Immigration Groups Have Won The Battle; Now Comes The War

House Democrats, according to a senior aide, have asked the White House to brief them on the mechanics of the executive action so that our members can explain the steps to their constituents. The president himself, according to two sources, has .

Almost Completely Naked: Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton, Bill.

Siobhan ���Sam��� Bennett, president of WCF, says demeaning or belittling language routinely afflicts women in both parties, from Democratic presidential contender Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2008 to Republican Senate candidate Christine ODonnell of Delaware now.���.. Lately Hillary Clinton has taken to quoting former New York Governor Mario Cuomo on the stump... The Christian Science Monitor has Hillary Clinton on their Front Cover for their current issue.

Ted Cruz: Democrats Are An Extreme, Radical Party

���These are dangerous, radical times,��� Cruz said at the conservative conference, where he received multiple standing ovations during a 30-minute speech that touched on everything from gun rights, Obamacare and abortion to the persecution of Christians.

If She Runs Hillary Rodham Clinton Determines the 2016 Democratic Message

Lack of an overriding message in 2014 speeded the Democratic Party down the path to their losses. Now Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) Chair of the DNC is asking people what they think went wrong. The question could be taken more seriously if she .

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