US Federal Government Shuts Down

Government shuts down after Congress fails to pass spending bill : Videos

Government shutdown begins: Congress fails to ...

Government shutdown begins: Congress fails to ...

What happens if the government decides to ...

What happens if the government decides to ...

Obama to Congress Pass a budget, quit the drama ...

Obama to Congress Pass a budget, quit the drama ...

President Obama: "I Will Not Negotiate On The Debt ...

President Obama: "I Will Not Negotiate On The Debt ...

House sets stage for budget standoff with ...

House sets stage for budget standoff with ...

Breaking News: White House orders govt agencies ...

Breaking News: White House orders govt agencies ...

United States federal budget - Wiki Article - YouTube

United States federal budget - Wiki Article - YouTube

Weekly Address Congress Must Act Now to Pass a ...

Weekly Address Congress Must Act Now to Pass a ...

Tea party senator Mike Lee would rather shut down ...

Tea party senator Mike Lee would rather shut down ...

President Barack Obama shuts down government ...

President Barack Obama shuts down government ...

United States budget battle protagonists lock horns ...

United States budget battle protagonists lock horns ...

US House passes budget bill that would defund ...

US House passes budget bill that would defund ...

US House passes budget bill that would defund ...

US House passes budget bill that would defund ...

Vote To Defund Obamacare Primes Showdown ...

Vote To Defund Obamacare Primes Showdown ...

House Set To Pass Spending Bill That Cuts ...

House Set To Pass Spending Bill That Cuts ...

The House Is Trying To Save The U.S. Government ...

The House Is Trying To Save The U.S. Government ...

President Obama Remarks Before Possible ...

President Obama Remarks Before Possible ...

President Barack Obama speaks statement On ...

President Barack Obama speaks statement On ...

United States Government Shutdown Over Health ...

United States Government Shutdown Over Health ...

THE LATEST NEWS : Shutdown showdown - YouTube

THE LATEST NEWS : Shutdown showdown - YouTube



PRESIDENT OBAMA: No Friend to U.S. Military ...

PRESIDENT OBAMA: No Friend to U.S. Military ...

Follow Up - PRESIDENT OBAMA: No Friend to U.S ...

Follow Up - PRESIDENT OBAMA: No Friend to U.S ...

Chuck Hagel Wants to Aver Government Shutdown ...

Chuck Hagel Wants to Aver Government Shutdown ...

Government shuts down after Congress fails to pass spending bill : Photo Gallery







House GOP launches shutdown battle by voting to defund Obamacare ...

House GOP launches shutdown battle by voting to defund Obamacare ...





House GOP launches shutdown battle by voting to defund Obamacare ...

House GOP launches shutdown battle by voting to defund Obamacare ...

Federal government enters first shutdown in 17 years as lawmakers ...

Federal government enters first shutdown in 17 years as lawmakers ...



Government shutdown: Obama accuses GOP of 'height of ...

Government shutdown: Obama accuses GOP of 'height of ...

Government shutdown: Obama accuses GOP of 'height of ...

Government shutdown: Obama accuses GOP of 'height of ...



Senate kills latest ObamaCare counteroffer, bill kicked back to ...

Senate kills latest ObamaCare counteroffer, bill kicked back to ...

With shutdown looming, Senate returns to work after Reid vows to ...

With shutdown looming, Senate returns to work after Reid vows to ...







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The pig has landed



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US government shuts down after House fails to pass funding bill

US government shuts down after House fails to pass funding bill

US shuts down: Obama tweets 'who did it'

US shuts down: Obama tweets 'who did it'

What happens if the government shuts down?

What happens if the government shuts down?

Risking government shutdown, House GOP seeks Obamacare delay

Risking government shutdown, House GOP seeks Obamacare delay

Senate kills latest ObamaCare counteroffer, bill kicked back to House

Senate kills latest ObamaCare counteroffer, bill kicked back to House

With shutdown looming, Senate returns to work after Reid vows to reject House ...

With shutdown looming, Senate returns to work after Reid vows to reject House ...

The government formally begins to shut down

The government formally begins to shut down

House GOP launches shutdown battle by voting to defund Obamacare

House GOP launches shutdown battle by voting to defund Obamacare

A government shutdown: What could it look like?

A government shutdown: What could it look like?

Government shutdown Q&A: How long? What's the impact?

Government shutdown Q&A: How long? What's the impact?

How a Government Shutdown Would Affect Academe

How a Government Shutdown Would Affect Academe

First US Shutdown in 17 Years Imminent With No Talks

First US Shutdown in 17 Years Imminent With No Talks

Revolt averted, House GOP poised to toss funding bill back to Senate

Revolt averted, House GOP poised to toss funding bill back to Senate

US Federal Government Shuts Down

US Federal Government Shuts Down

US government shutdown begins

US government shutdown begins

Government shuts down after Congress fails to pass spending bill : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

House to try 'conference' approach to funding, but shutdown all but ...

2 hours ago ... After a dizzying game of legislative ping-pong between the two chambers ... Reid says that the Senate will not "go to conference until we get a clean CR' ... plan was simply "a recipe for shutting down the government. ... The call came shortly after the president urged Republicans to pass a “clean” funding bill ...

Federal government shuts down for the first time in 17 years as ...

1 hour ago ... From Yahoo News: This is the first shut down of its kind since the Clinton era. ... Federal government shuts down for the first time in 17 years as Congress continues to ... in return for approval of a mandatory government funding bill. .... avoid a post-midnight government shutdown, saying that failure to pass a ...

Federal government enters first shutdown in 17 years as lawmakers ...

1 hour ago ... The US government has shut down as Democrats and Republicans ... Republicans pass spending bill that denies money for 'Obamacare' ... Despite the drama, members of Congress faced no threat to their ... The federal government shut down after both chambers failed to pass a resolution before midnight ...

The federal government may shut down; do you see the similarities to 1995?

Then, Clinton and Gingrich couldnt reach and agreement on the federal budget and the federal government stopped work for a while. Initially, Gingrich seemed to have the upper hand, but then Clinton recovered, leading perhaps to his winning a second term and to Gingrichs "Republican revolution" fizzling.

The negotiations right now between Obama and Boehner, having reached an impasse, seem rather similar to the Clinton-Gingrich budgetary feud. Do you see the similarities? Would this piece of history be a reliable guide for what is likely to happen in the States now?

And, most importantly, whom do you see coming out on top?

Answer: Not really. Obama has no interest in cutting back the Government Fat but is interested in Cutting Retirement Benefits of Federal Workers
A February report from the Congressional Research Service, however, found that exceeding the debt ceiling carries less risk for federal workers than a government shutdown. "Failing to raise the debt ceiling would not bring the government to a screeching halt the way that not passing appropriations bills would," CRS wrote, quoting a 1995 report from the Congressional Budget Office. "Employees would not be sent home and checks would continue to be issued."
Federal retiree benefits could face cuts in deficit talks
Federal annuities could be at risk, along with government pay and other benefits, as lawmakers comb the budget in search of potential savings.

Steve Strobridge, director of government relations at the Military Officers Association of America, said an overhaul of the military retirement system is "allegedly . . . one possible item on the list" of proposals being considered in the deficit reduction talks.

This is what Clinton did
(Redirected from United States federal government shutdown of 1995)

The United States federal government shutdown of 1995 and 1996 was the result of a conflict between Democratic President Clinton and the Republican-controlled Congress over funding for Medicare, education, the environment and public health. It took place after Clinton vetoed the spending bill which Congress sent him. Thereupon, the Federal government of the United States put non-essential government workers on furlough and suspended non-essential services from November 14 through November 19, 1995 and from December 16, 1995 to January 6, 1996. The major players were President Bill Clinton and the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich.

You notice Clinton VETOED the SPENDING BILL. Obama wants a spending bill.
Looks like the opposite imo
Category: Government

Shutdown Begins After Congress Fails In Spending Compromise ...

2 hours ago ... Congress went down to the wire Monday night but still failed to compromise on a spending bill, resulting in a partial government shutdown. ... If Congress does not reach a budget agreement and the government shuts down, the U.S. ... The House countered again, voting 228-201 to pass another bill that ...

Last-minute tactic fails, government shuts down — MSNBC

After months, weeks and then a frantic day of brinksmanship on Capitol Hill, Congress failed to pass a bill to fund the government Monday night, shutting it down for the first time in 17 years. ... Reid said he would be willing to send senators to conference to work on a solution for funding the government through the rest of the fiscal year—but only after the immediate threat of a shutdown was removed and the House passed a short-term funding bill with no strings ...


WASHINGTON —The federal government shut down for the first time in nearly two decades following more than a week of legislative jockeying by House Republicans to extract concessions from President Obama and Senate ...

What do you think of the Complete Guide To The GOP’s Three-Year Campaign To Shut Down The Government?

As the nation races toward another budgetary crisis next month, Republican leaders are using the prospect of a government shutdown and the need to raise the nation’s debt ceiling as leverage points to undermine the Affordable Care Act — just days before uninsured Americans are expected to sign up for health care coverage — and extract additional cuts to government programs.


FEB 4: Congress votes to increase the nation’s borrowing limit — a vote it had taken 40 times in the past three decades. Republicans increased the debt ceiling 19 times during the presidency of George W. Bush, raising the nation’s limit by nearly $4 trillion.

Martha Roby, who will go on to represent Alabama in Congress, issues a statement condemning the vote. “This ‘need’ to raise the debt ceiling is caused by one thing: out-of-control spending in Washington,” she says. Reid Ribble, a soon-to-be Congressman from Wisconsin, agrees, “This Congress has done nothing but spend future generations of this country into a black hole.”

SEP 10: Speaking at the Faith & Freedom Conference, Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) tells the crowd, “The government shut down…That’s what I wanted to hear! A good clap for that!” “We want you with us,” says Westmoreland. “We gotta have you there. Because they’re going to come and say, ‘Daddy can’t go to the VA, the national parks are closed’ … we need to make sure you’re going to be with us.”

SEP 30: With the fiscal year ending and the 2011 budget not yet adopted, Congress passes an extension –- known as a continuing resolution –- to keep the government running under existing spending levels until Dec. 3.

NOV: Republicans vow to cut $100 billion from the 2011 budget during the mid-term elections and win back control of the House. Initially, Boehner seems hesitant to use the debt ceiling as leverage to achieve the cuts. “I’ve made it pretty clear to them that as we get into next year, it’s pretty clear that Congress is going to have to deal with” the debt limit, Boehner told reporters on Nov. 19. “We’re going to have to deal with it as adults. Whether we like it or not, the federal government has obligations, and we have obligations on our part.”

DEC: Alarmed by growing talk from Republicans about taking the debt ceiling hostage to achieve spending cuts, the White House tries to increase the borrowing limit as part of a tax package that passed Congress, but the effort fails. “I’ll take John Boehner at his word — that nobody, Democrat or Republican, is willing to see the full faith and credit of the United States government collapse,” Obama says at an end-of-the year press conference. “Once John Boehner is sworn in as speaker, then he’s going to have responsibilities to govern. You can’t just stand on the sidelines and be a bomb thrower.”

DEC 2-21: Unable to pass a spending bill, Congress enacts four different continuing resolutions to keep the government running until March 4. These appropriations cut the Congressional Budget Office’s projection of discretionary spending from 2013 through 2022 by more than $400 billion.

There is more I will ask with what has happened.


Answer: It's a waste of time.

And in 2014, they will no longer control the House. Thank God.
Category: Elections

Federal Government Shutdown: Congress Fails to Pass Spending ...

2 hours ago ... After the Senate rejected its latest spending proposal, the House has said it's ... Federal Government Shutdown: Congress Fails to Pass Spending Measure ... Less than 90 minutes before the federal government shuts down at .... has said that any spending bill that delays or defunds Obamacare is will not ...

Is there any substance at all in the budget and spending talks?

The 38 billion in cuts that congress almost shut down the government with last week turns out to not be a cut at all. The budget is still bigger than last year. The 4 trillion in cuts and even Paul Ryans cuts I believe are referring to cuts from Obamas original proposed budget. But Id guess both still continue a steady rise in the budget from the year before. Is this all just smoke and mirrors by both parties?

Answer: Well 1st off this is the budget for fiscal year 2011 Oct 1 2010- Sept 30, 2011. So a new budget battle will likely occur after the 1st of October, later this year, for fiscal year 2012

But you're right. Most of the $38 billion cuts were for accounts that were suppose to be used to fund pork projects that failed to pass, or were removed as amendments to other bills.
Category: Government

Whats the deal with this government shutdown on Friday?

Ive been a little behind on current events this week, and I suddenly heard about this interesting development...would anyone care to enlighten me as to what this is all about?

Answer: This coming government shutdown is only happening because last year with the democrats in total control of the House , the Senate , and the White House refused to pass a budget for 2011 !! Not only did they not pass a 2011 budget , they didn`t even submit a budget , nothing , zero ! Why ? Because had the democrats submitted a budget when they were suppose to in OCT. 2010 before the 2010 elections, their insane crazy out of control trillions of wasteful spending would to have to been accounted for , and they could kiss their government careers good-bye with th exposure of their senseless spending ! So , with no budget submitted , all of their needless wasteful spending was not exposed to you or anyone else that marches in lock step with this regime ! This shutdown is no ones`fault or responsibility but the democrats , and the democrats only !! The only reason we are in this mess at the moment is the fact that the democrats have done nothing but stall since last October 2010 !!! *** By Congressional Law,*** Congress is suppose to pass a budget by October for the following year.
***October 10, 2010 Congress failed to pass the 2011 Budget. The Democrats controlled the House, Senate and White House and did so with a Super Majority. This means that not a single Republican could have voted and they still could have passed the budget.***

The House has NEVER failed to pass a budget since the rules were put in place in 1974. *******Democrats stated in June 2010, 4 months before mid term election that they were not going to pass the budget.*******

********Instead, late July 1, 2011 the Democrats “…as part of a procedural vote on the emergency war supplemental bill, House Democrats attached a document that “deemed as passed” a non-existent $1.12 trillion budget. The execution of the “deeming” document allows Democrats to start spending money for Fiscal Year 2011 without the pesky constraints of a budget.”**********

As of March 30, 2011, the House Republicans passed a budget bill in February 2011 for the remainder of this fiscal year that would cut $61 billion. The Democrat controlled Senate is refusing to accept the $61 Billion and Obama has vowed to veto it.

Again, Obama and the Democrat Super Majority Congress failed to pass the 2011 budget and if a government shut down occurs, this shutdown rests 100% on the shoulder of the Democrats and Obama
Category: Politics

How many Billions should be cut from the 2011 Budget before agreeing to increase the debt limit?

Currently they are working on passing the 2011 which was the 2010 congress responsibility. Next they will move on to the Debt Limit and then the 2012 budget.

There are two proposals on the table for the 2011 budget which is 3.6 Trillion with expected Tax Revenue of 2.1 Trillion so a 1.5 Trillion too much.

Currently on the table from the dems and reps is 5 billion cut and a 60 billion cut. The tea party is asking for 180 Trillion cut and have identified all of it.

How much do you want to see cut from this years 1.5 Trillion excessive spending bill?

5 Billion - The current Dem position?

61 Billion - The current Rep position?

161 - 180 Billion - The current Tea Party position

More than 180 Billion - Your own position?

How much should be cut before raising the debt limit?

How much should the 2012 budget be?
BlueChristy - Good example. Say you spend money on your hair, clothes, makeup, gym, and biased propaganda, food, energy (electricity in your example) and housing. What you do is you cut things like hair, clothes, makeup and Gym down to zero and if you still dont have enough to pay for energy you reduce your food housing budget and cut your energy use by 20%.

If there is a government shut down, 60% of the government stays open, the stuff we need them to do in the first place. The other 40% would not be missed.
To the leftist who answer this question with defense spending cuts. Where are you representatives on this. Why havent they identified 500 Billion in cuts to defense spending?

Answer: Cut it all


Shut down the government

Republicans - don't let your balls fail you now !
Category: Politics

US government on verge of first shutdown in two decades - live ...

28 minutes ago ... Due to a lapse in government funding, this account will not be active until further notice. ... We urge Congress to act quickly to pass a Continuing Resolution to ... OMB Director expected to order executive agencies to shut down in 20 ... not attempt to pass any more bills late Monday to fund the government, ...

Government Shutdown: Senate Vote Leaves Congress At Square 1

The GOP-led House passed its third measure that would keep government open after midnight, but only if Senate Democrats and the president agree to hamstring Obamacare. ... With the clock expiring at midnight Monday, and federal officials starting to shut down all non-essential government functions, the House resorted to seeking a conference committee to pass a spending bill, or "continuing resolution" that runs only through mid-November or mid-December.

tea party movement, what are they missing?

i say the common people, the only one i saw to speak out against bush was booed or ignored the rest claimed obama as
socialist, communist, marxist, muslim, liberal, anti-american and so on.

trust me i am not a big fan of democrats but the average american does not say communist 5 times a day, or call anything but a republican any of those words.

if they really cared about america they would acknowledge bush as a failure and work to not repeat that failure not embrace another.
gee joe i used to like hank jr. until he re wrote family tradition to a stupid song that isolated republicans from anything but themselves, now what about hank the 3rd.

to me willie nelson would be a true tea partier but the movement is so closed they must forget their musical heroes values for politics.

i did like charlie daniels too for some of his honest lyrics but the divide is too large.

face the facts both democrats and republicans suck and no amount of mushrooms that hank took while hanging out with the almond bros. band can change this.
nightwind i like what you say except for dems set up republicans, bush and republicans had everything on their own so fail.
dogface thank you.

Answer: True words.....perhaps.....or are they ?
If we hold Obama accountable by your same ideology, we should crusify him for ruining the country. And WHY ?
Because Reagan showed us what to do to get out of a deep recession and he did it without the help of the democrat congress at the time, he did it without holding back, and without inflation roaring back at us.
Obama has been printing money so fast, inflation has to hit us sooner or later.
He has kept the interest rates artificually low for so long that those of us hit by this recession can't even conpensate by earning a decent return on savings accounts or investment products like CD's.
Obama keeps spouting off about how "this is the worse recession since the depression" but that's a lie...he is completely ignoring the 80's and what Reagan did.
Its almost as if his liberal / socialist upbringing or education or maybe even pride just refuses to do it any other way but HIS way, and the country be damned if he can't get it to work.
The democrats have a history of setting up republicans for failure. We see that in the news daily but only the smarter people pick up on it. Like Obama not getting Obama Care passed, he refused any input and shut the republicans out back in May, now he's supposedly asking for thier input, but refuses to let them to restart the whole process over.....which is what the majority of American's want too. Democrats have been showing thier true colors for 3 years now or so as they work against the American people and what they want. They forced many spending bills down our throats under a false guise that it was needed NOW and things were 'too big to fail".
For that matter, Obama should listen to the Constitution and our founding fathers when they said government shouldn't "rob the fruits of labor from the citizens" which is exactly what he is doing. Uping taxes as he spends out money like water on virtual fences that don't work, on Pelosi's family being shuttled around in jets, for 155 people attending copenhagen (only 20 of them legitamate delegates), creating green jobs when spain already tried it and lost more jobs than they ever created 2 to 1, creating political slush funds off the taxpayers back each of which have all been higher than what we pay our own military.
What the tea party is missing is someone to fire the first shot of this 2nd revolutionary war......American Citizens VS Washington
Category: Other - Politics & Government

Senate kills latest ObamaCare counteroffer, bill kicked back to ...

3 hours ago ... Senate Democrats vow they will not accept any proposal that targets ObamaCare . ... clear that they'd rather shut down the federal government than accept even the most ... Congress has until midnight to craft a spending bill, or else the ... said Congress can avert a shutdown by passing a straight budget bill ...

A government shutdown: What could it look like? - U.S. News

Government agencies were directed to "execute plans for an orderly shutdown" late Monday as Congress failed to pass a funding bill that would prevent the disruption of some government services. ... The Congressional Budget Office, responsible for calculating the financial impact of proposed legislation, announced it would be "largely shut down" if government is no longer funded. The Merit .... ago. Federal government shuts down after Congress fails to pass funding ...

Why the Republicans lost — MSNBC

A majority of Congress actually opposes the shutdown. The federal government shut down for one reason: House Republicans did not pass a six-week funding bill. That doesn't mean a majority of the House opposed the bill, ...

US begins shutting down as funding impasse continues | Firstpost

The White House ordered government agencies to begin shutting down late on Monday after Congress failed to find a compromise on a government spending bill before a midnight (0400 GMT Tuesday) deadline. ... “We urge Congress to act quickly to pass a continuing resolution to provide a short-term bridge that ensures sufficient time to pass a budget for the remainder of the fiscal year, and to restore the operation of critical public services and programs that will be ...

If it is so direly important for the economy to create a stimulus package why not leave out all the pork?

A clean bill strictly to create jobs and put the money in the tax payers palms to spend- no pet projects, no skating parks ect... Why is it so hard to do just that???

Answer: The best way to get pork/earmarks through congress is to add them into a critical bill that the president is obligated to sign.

This is/was done in all budget bills, at the last minute, and must be approved to prevent government shut down.

This is one of those times.
However, our president and some of those in congress are frightening you to death with the worst possible scenario about the economy.

If you and I buy this as many do, then those people think, "I don't care about the millions of dollars for a golf course or some piddly project. Forget this or that. The other thing will put money in my pocket. We want it passed".

Common sense has gone down the toilet in Washington.
A few million is insignificant.
We're looking at a trillion, plus.

The last I remember, pennies make up a dollar, dollars turn into a hundred, a thousand, a million, a billion, trillion, and then what?

You and your offspring will pay the bills.
Congressmen will leave their kids well off.

If the pork you speak of were to be voted on in a separate bill, it will not pass. They have already failed in the past.
I'm choking as you must be, on what they are shoving down our throats.
Category: Other - Politics & Government


1 hour ago ... The first shutdown in nearly two decades follows jockeying over funding the Affordable Care Act.

What does this "government shutdown" mean?

No more financial support from the government? Or will the law under our government shut down as well? What all would take place during a government shutdown? Im just trying to figure out if I should move to Canada.

Answer: One of Congress' constitutional powers is creating the federal budget, that is to say they determine how much and on what the Federal government will spend annually. Once a budget in identical form is passed in both the House and the Senate the President must sign the bill for it to become law. However, the Congress has failed to pass a budget thus far and a government shutdown (when the Federal Government has no funding) will occur on April 9th at 12:01 AM.

If a government shutdown does occur these are its basic effects:
1) All "non essential" Federal Employees (an estimated 4.4 million) will be sent home as long as the shut down lasts. These employees do NOT include military personell, Congressmen, the President, intelligence workers, etc.
2) Most federal offices (like the IRS) will close but the Federal Reserve will remain operational as will the Post Office. Additionally Social Security and Medicare benefits will continue to be distrubted and Federal Courts will continue to operate for a couple of weeks.
3) States may suffer as State Programs (like higher education, research, and law enforcement training) that are funded by Federal Grants will be delayed or stopped entirely.

***Some economists predict that the economic slowdown caused by a government shutdown could quickly trigger another recession.

Also if this is any consolation 21 Democrats are trying to pass a bill that would halt pay for Congress and the President in the event of a government shutdown.
Category: Government

Can you give me a thesis statement, clincher, introduction to topic, mainpoint summary, and preview?

The topic of my paper is "a balanced budget amendment requiring that the nation cannot spend more that it takes in"

Here is my essay:
Benjamin Franklin once said, "When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the Republic. ’’ A balanced budget amendment should be added to the constitution because there is no reason that the government should be allowed to deficit spend. A balanced budget amendment would put a check on the governments spending power; they would only be able to spend as much as they bring in. This would make them look at each spending program and hopefully cut out allot of the extra pork. I personally would like to put this statement on every spending bill. This spending is so vital to our national interest that it is the opinion of all voting for and signing into law that the governments power to spend this money is more important than the peoples right to their own property. 2We cant ever balance the US budget until we learn to be independent of our national debt. Our country owes trillions of dollars to China, Kuwait, etc. In other words we have been bought and paid for by other countries. All they would have to do is demand the money we owe and if we are unable to pay we could become a territory of that country. They could if they wanted to. They just dont want to because it would involve some pain to the taxpayers, and no politician can bring himself to cause pain to taxpayers, i.e. voters. Next is the issue of enforcement. It is the duty of the Congress and the President to balance the budget, according to the Constitution. Its not up to the Courts to raise taxes. One solution is to state that if the government runs out of money and the Congress and the President havent agreed to a new balanced budget, then the court has the authority to order the government would shut down(like it does now) if a budget is not passed.

jailed until such time as the complete their duty as required by the Constitution. It could be stated that failing to balance the budget is contempt of court and is punishable by fines, imprisonment, or both. The Federal government has expanded far beyond its duties specified in the Constitution. These expansions require an ever-increasing infusion of cash. The only way to solve the problem once and for all is to scale the Federal government back to within its constitutionally proscribed limits. This will not happen for two reasons: 1) Power, once obtained, is not easily relinquished; 2) People have become spoiled and lazy and would rather have the government do for them rather than do for themselves. Thus, the welfare state and the "entitlement mentality" of so many today. A balanced budget amendment would only lead to higher taxes because people would continue to demand ever-increasing levels of handouts.3 The main thing is we need to stop spending. By allowing the government to spend more then it makes we are feeding failure. If the government cant live on its income it needs to make cuts, just like you or me. 4 An example of covering costs (buying and selling) to stay in a budget. When most products are imported (bought) from other countries and not as much is manufactured and sold from here then the revenue coming in is not going to be enough to cover what is bought (imported).

Answer: not without monetary compensation.
Category: Government

How do liberal truly believe that their "Do Nothing" Congress is really doing anything?

Honestly they took majority in 2006 and PROMISED that the would make changes and help out the "Little Guy"

Well with gas prices and everything else WAY higher then what they were in 2006 how have the really done anything to help support the little guy?

I mean honestly three day work weeks is a back breaker and lets not forget our 6 week vacations.

You realize that the approval rating is at 9 % now thats lower then President Bush

I think they just dont do anything because if they act on allowing drilling where "IT SHOULD BE HAPPENING" then President Bush would Look Good because he was all for it and Congress would once again Look Bad.

So liberals Im sure you have your answers and I am truly interested in them because honestly it just doesnt make sense to me at all and I really cant comprehend on how you truly agree with people like Pelosi.

Thanks for the input and look forward to reading your replys.

Answer: I agree. What is the Dems plan?

CAGW Names Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid
Porkers of the Month

Washington, D.C. - Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) today named Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) its August Porkers of the Month for leading a do-nothing Congress into a five week vacation.

Congress left for its traditional August recess after accomplishing nothing. Of the 106 bills enacted since January, 94, or 89 percent were to name government buildings or lands, extend or make technical corrections to existing laws, or passed either by unanimous consent or with less than 10 dissenting votes. The accomplishments included “Frank Sinatra Day,” National Plumbing Industry Week,” and “National Day of the Cowboy.”

The deadline for passing the 12 annual appropriations bills has been deliberately ignored. Only one of the bills has passed the House, and only four others have been approved by the House Appropriations Committee. In the Senate, nine have been approved by the Appropriations Committee but none have reached the floor. There are two reasons for this failure to act. First, the Speaker and Majority Leader appear to be waiting for the presidential election to decide what to do with these bills, hoping that the winner in November would favor higher spending and more earmarks.

Second, the moratorium on offshore drilling expires on September 30, and it is usually renewed through the appropriations process. However, both Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid are opposed to lifting the moratorium. Rather than allowing a vote, they shut down Congress. House Republicans took to the darkened House floor, demanding that Congress go back into session and hold an up-or-down vote to lift the drilling ban.

The Speaker’s first response was to continue her taxpayer-financed vacation to promote her new book. She has since indicated some willingness to consider a vote, but only tied to a larger (and costly) energy package. Majority Leader Reid’s response has been to threaten to shut down the government by refusing to allow any appropriations bills to reach the Senate floor, including a continuing resolution that would allow agencies to operate at the fiscal year 2008 spending levels.

For leaving town after Congress has spent nearly all of its time on frivolous legislation, failing to address critical issues, and threatening a government shutdown, CAGW names Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid its August 2008 Porkers of the Month.

Citizens Against Government Waste is the nation’s largest nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government. Porker of the Month is a dubious honor given to lawmakers, government officials, and political candidates who have shown a blatant disregard for the interests of taxpayers.

Category: Politics

US government shuts down as Congress can't agree on spending bill

The U.S. government shut down at 12:01 a.m. ET Tuesday after lawmakers in the House and the Senate could not agree on a spending bill to fund the government.The two sides bickered and blamed each ... A new CNN/ORC poll shows that Americans are not happy about the prospect of a shutdown, which is happening because Congress has been unable to pass a budget for the new fiscal year that begins Tuesday. According to the poll, 68% of Americans think ...

Gridlock shuts U.S. government -

Gridlock shuts U.S. government,Congress has missed the deadline for averting the first partial government shutdown in 17 years. ... Gridlock shuts U.S. government ... “The House is the one that keeps compromising,” Schweikert said, minutes after walking off the floor from a vote. “We've engaged in lots of movement here, ... Speaking of the health-care law that undergoes a major expansion today, he said emphatically, “That funding is already in place. You can't shut it ...

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