Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25000 Iraqis have fled ISIS-controlled Ramadi

Report: ISIS deputy leader killed in U.S.-led coalition strike.
Report: ISIS deputy leader killed in U.S.-led coalition strike.

Report: ISIS deputy leader killed in U.S.-led coalition strike.

Report: ISIS deputy leader killed in U.S.-led coalition strike.

in Nineveh province, Iraq.

Middle East updates / Powerful former Syrian army general dies in.
Middle East updates / Powerful former Syrian army general dies in.

Middle East updates / Powerful former Syrian army general dies in.

Middle East updates / Powerful former Syrian army general dies in.

Rostom Ghazali, east of Beirut

Middle East Updates / UN: Yemen crisis could open jihadist path.
Middle East Updates / UN: Yemen crisis could open jihadist path.

Middle East Updates / UN: Yemen crisis could open jihadist path.

Middle East Updates / UN: Yemen crisis could open jihadist path.

in Taiz city, Yemen.

Forget Ramadi, the real battle is in Syria - Middle East.
Forget Ramadi, the real battle is in Syria - Middle East.

Forget Ramadi, the real battle is in Syria - Middle East.

Forget Ramadi, the real battle is in Syria - Middle East.

Iraq security forces withdraw

Middle East Updates / ISIS releases more than 200 captive Yazidis.
Middle East Updates / ISIS releases more than 200 captive Yazidis.

Middle East Updates / ISIS releases more than 200 captive Yazidis.

Middle East Updates / ISIS releases more than 200 captive Yazidis.

State in Sinjar town,

Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25,000 Iraqis have fled ISIS.
Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25,000 Iraqis have fled ISIS.

Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25,000 Iraqis have fled ISIS.

Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25,000 Iraqis have fled ISIS.


Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25,000 Iraqis have fled ISIS.
Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25,000 Iraqis have fled ISIS.

Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25,000 Iraqis have fled ISIS.

Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25,000 Iraqis have fled ISIS.

ISIS fighters in a street of

Middle East Updates / At least 9 ISIS fighters killed in.
Middle East Updates / At least 9 ISIS fighters killed in.

Middle East Updates / At least 9 ISIS fighters killed in.

Middle East Updates / At least 9 ISIS fighters killed in.

Iraqi police men and Shiite

Report: ISIS deputy leader killed in U.S.-led coalition strike.
Report: ISIS deputy leader killed in U.S.-led coalition strike.

Report: ISIS deputy leader killed in U.S.-led coalition strike.

Report: ISIS deputy leader killed in U.S.-led coalition strike.

in Nineveh province, Iraq.

Report: ISIS executes 300 Yazidis in Iraq - Middle East.
Report: ISIS executes 300 Yazidis in Iraq - Middle East.

Report: ISIS executes 300 Yazidis in Iraq - Middle East.

Report: ISIS executes 300 Yazidis in Iraq - Middle East.

In this Sunday January.

Kurdish troops cut off ISIS supply route; fears mount for 90.
Kurdish troops cut off ISIS supply route; fears mount for 90.

Kurdish troops cut off ISIS supply route; fears mount for 90.

Kurdish troops cut off ISIS supply route; fears mount for 90.

weapon through a hole in a

Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25,000 Iraqis have fled ISIS.
Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25,000 Iraqis have fled ISIS.

Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25,000 Iraqis have fled ISIS.

Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25,000 Iraqis have fled ISIS.

Middle East Updates / UN:

Middle East updates / Powerful former Syrian army general dies in.
Middle East updates / Powerful former Syrian army general dies in.

Middle East updates / Powerful former Syrian army general dies in.

Middle East updates / Powerful former Syrian army general dies in.

Rostom Ghazali, east of Beirut

Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25,000 Iraqis have fled ISIS.
Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25,000 Iraqis have fled ISIS.

Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25,000 Iraqis have fled ISIS.

Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25,000 Iraqis have fled ISIS.

control of the al-Mastouma

Middle East updates / Two U.S. soldiers killed by Taliban bomb.
Middle East updates / Two U.S. soldiers killed by Taliban bomb.

Middle East updates / Two U.S. soldiers killed by Taliban bomb.

Middle East updates / Two U.S. soldiers killed by Taliban bomb.

An Iraqi christian prays

Kurdish troops cut off ISIS supply route; fears mount for 90.
Kurdish troops cut off ISIS supply route; fears mount for 90.

Kurdish troops cut off ISIS supply route; fears mount for 90.

Kurdish troops cut off ISIS supply route; fears mount for 90.

weapon through a hole in a



It had nearly 18,000 followers and was one of the main sources of... Police: Korean teen may.

March 9, 2015- Israel Will Not Cede Land to Palestinians.

Iraq Headline: ISW Control of Terrain in Iraq: March 8, 2015. http://iswiraq.blogspot.com/2015/03/control-of-terrain-in-iraq-march-8-2015.html. rise of ISIS. Headline: ISIS SANCTUARY UPDATE. ISIS_Sanctuary_Map_with.. Unlike Salmans predecessor, King Abdullah, who viewed Erdogan as a rival and Turkey as a country whose influence and power in the Arab Middle East needed to be reined in, Salman apparently has other ideas. Several Saudi commentators��.

Middle East and World in Depth: Top 200 News Headlines on.

According to recent statistics published by the United Nations High Council for Refugees (UNHCR), of the 3.8 million Syrians who have fled their homes in the four years since the beginning of the Syrian uprising, nearly half ��� close to t.. More than 25,000 fighters seeking to wage ���jihad��� or an Islamic holy war have left home to join terrorist networks abroad. The foreign... Middle East updates / Iraqi forces recapture two towns from ISIS near crucial refinery. Friday��.

ISIS: Portrait of a Jihadi Terrorist Organization

This study examines the nature of the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS), an Islamic Salafist-jihadi terrorist organization founded a decade ago as a branch of Al-Qaeda in Iraq.. Some of them, including Syria and Iraq, where ISIS operates, are in the process of disintegrating in the wake of the upheaval in the Middle East, creating favorable conditions for the vision of an Islamic Caliphate. 8. The territory of the Caliphate State, whose establishment was��.

Report: US to offer Gulf states nuclear umbrella against Iran

The Arab Sunni monarchies in the region are particularly worried by Shiite Irans potential nuclear ambitions and Tehrans growing influence across the Middle East. Bilateral nuclear talks between Iran and the US are to pick up again on March 15, after.

President Sisis gift; Hamas - Elder Of Ziyon

Sisis offer demonstrates that for non-jihadist Sunnis, not only is Israel not the problem in the Middle East, a strong Israel is a prerequisite for solving the regions troubles. Here is a major Arab leader willing to stand with Israel��.

Egypt planning new capital city east of Cairo

Egypt is planning a new administrative and business capital, which will be built on the outskirts of Cairo, the BBC reports. A website promoting the new capital was unveiled on Friday, though the official launch to global investors and politicians took.

Middle East updates / Two US soldiers killed by Taliban bomb near Kabul

Middle East updates / Two U.S. soldiers killed by Taliban bomb near Kabul. 160,000 Christians have fled ISIS-held Iraqi city of Mosul; Obama thanks Saudi Arabia for help against Islamic State; Afghan police say Supreme Court official shot dead. By.

Kurdish troops cut off ISIS supply route; fears mount for 90 kidnapped Christians

The Syriac National Council of Syria put the figure as high as 150. Hundreds more Christians have fled to the two main cities in Hasaka province, according to the Syriac council and the Observatory. Islamic State has killed members of religious.

The Elephant Bar: OOrah Assholes

And if it had not been for the United States of America, perhaps even today Kuwait would still be under the domination of Iraq, an Iraq that continues to threaten other countries in the Middle East.. If you are not decent, you cannot be controlled... The Charlie Hedbo attack has already raised questions about the governments involvement, especially after it was revealed the suspects were linked to a FBI asset, Anwar al-Awlaki, who was a key player in nearly every��.

Why Hezbollah is sitting on 40,000 rockets and missiles and.

ANALYSIS For a week, Israel and Hamas have engaged in a war in and around Gaza, one in which thousands of rockets and bombs have been expended, scores have died, and tens of thousands have been forced to take cover. But to the. Of course, you would have to assume there are people so dedicated to profit they would allow hundreds to die, send billions of our dollars to middle east oil despots and their pet terrorists, and even allow the atmosphere to become so��.

Disbanding the Palestinian Authority?/ Prophecy Signs for.

More than 1 million people have fled their homes since fighting erupted in the worlds youngest country in December between troops backing President Salva Kiir and soldiers loyal to his sacked vice president, Riek Machar... Saudi Arabia confirmed 20 new cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)on Saturday and Sunday, adding up to 49 infections in six days, a sudden increase of a disease that kills about a third of the people infected and has no cure.

Middle East Updates / At least 9 ISIS fighters killed in infighting in Syria

Arab League calls for multinational force to fight ISIS, other militants; ISIS militants beheaded eight Libya oilfield guards, official says; German woman fighting alongside Kurds killed in Syria while fighting ISIS. By Haaretz | Mar. 9, 2015 | 8:30 PM .

Think Islamists are the only religious terrorists? Meet some.

Many Christian towns were captured by ISIS when they marched across the country last summer and approximately 30,000 Christians have since fled the Nineveh Plains for fear of falling into the hands of the radical Islamists.. Assyrian Christians are one of the oldest ethnic groups in the Middle East whose foundations lie in Assyria, a historical region of northern Mesopotamia, but since the beginning of the 2003 Iraq War they have faced persecution from Islamic��.

Daily News March 2015 | God Our Light!

The US-led coalition is planning to carry out air strikes in support of Iraqi operations against Islamic State in the city of Tikrit, a US official said on Wednesday, confirming comments by Iraqs president in an interview with Reuters... (Haaretz). Today ���Federica Mogherini proposed as EU representative for the Middle East Mr. Gentilini, who is a very valiant Italian diplomat,��� Italys Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni told reporters. He said the role ���has nothing to do with the��.

Middle East updates / Suicide car bomb near Libyas Misrata kills 6 people

Activists say hundreds of residents of a Palestinian refugee camp in the Syrian capital Damascus have fled after shelling by government forces and clashes between Islamic State fighters and Palestinian militants. An activist based in an area just south.

The Elephant Bar: The authority to kill Mughniyah required a.

Former U.S. officials, all of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the operation, asserted that Mughniyah, although based in Syria, was directly connected to the arming and training of Shiite militias in Iraq that were.. Through 2014, at least 173 of the almost 1,000 UN General Assembly resolutions on the Middle East conflict referred directly to Palestinian refugees.5 Even in 2014, the Jewish refugees from Arab countries have not been mentioned in��.

Erdogan warns of clash of civilizations following Paris attacks

Erdogan, a devout Sunni Muslim, has already accused the West of hypocrisy after the attacks last week in which the gunmen killed 17, including 12 at the offices of the satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo. The three gunmen were also killed. Speaking at a .

Nasrallah warns Saudi Arabia against launching a ground war in Yemen

. anti-Saudi rally in Beirut. By Haaretz | Apr. 18, 2015 | 3:28 AM. ���The officials in Saudi Arabia said the wars objective is to defend Yemens Arab identity, but have the Arab people authorized them to wage a war on Yemen? Nasrallah asked.

Birth Pains Speeding Up/ Prophecy Signs for September 2.

The survey also found a ���grass is greener��� effect, with support for each of the two higher in the area under the others control; Haniyeh received 53% support in Gaza and 66% in Judea and Samaria, while Abbas got 43% in Gaza and 25% in... Egyptian paper Al Masry Al Youm reports that members of the Islamic State (formerly ISIS) have taken to social media to threaten ���surprises in Egypt��� and have called on members of the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist��.

45 killed in air strike on Yemen refugee camp

The air attacks have also targeted their southward advance on the port city of Aden, the last bastion of the Saudi-backed president, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. Another humanitarian. Mazraq, in the province of Hajja next to the Saudi border, is a.

Universal and Multiveral Divine Living in Diversity 7,507 First.

All the current Arab Terrorism that is spreading in North and Central Africa, Middle East, Asia and now Russia and Europe, is mainly due to the Dirty Oil, Drug and Military Industrial Complex Mafia Network who are using the international. The crisis of 911 is being repeated in Brussels and Jerusalem and the ISIS goons, like the former Iraqi Prisoner has promised his American captors who released them ���see you in New York��� and his foolish captives went ahead��.

Gordon Duff: ���Flintstone��� Weapons And ���Custer��� Tactics.

It worked well in Iraq, where much of the fighting was in cities such as Baghdad, Ramadi and Fallujah. But a U.S.. Newer versions have some armor upgrades and work part of the time, but the Bradley has never been more than a rolling target, the most expensive fiasco in military history... The last ���semi-credible��� enemy, or as the Bush administration loved calling it, ���axis of evil��� member in the Middle East, preserving Iran as an enemy is vital to the defense industry.

US offers $5m for Jewish-American missing in Iran nearly a decade

The FBI has been investigating Levinsons disappearance, offering a rare $1 million reward in 2012 for information that could lead to his safe return before increasing it on Monday. In December 2013, the Associated Press and Washington Post reported .

Middle East Updates / UN: Nearly 25000 Iraqis have fled ISIS-controlled Ramadi

White House vows to help Iraqis retake Ramadi from ISIS; Syrian insurgents battle Assad forces around key military base in Idlib; Erdogan warns of Mideast turmoil if Egypts Morsi executed. By Haaretz | May 18, 2015 | 10:50 PM .

US-led coalition pounds ISIS stronghold in Syria

ISIS has demanded that Jordan abandon the US-led coalition that is bombing its positions in Syria and Iraq, and release several prisoners in exchange for his release. At the same time, several ISIS-affiliated Twitter accounts have asked the.

ISIS executed nearly 100 people in first month of 2015

The Islamic State jihadist militia has executed nearly 100 people in the first month of 2015 in Iraq and Syria, according to a monitoring group and security officials. The burning alive of Jordanian pilot Muadh al-Kasasbeh is the type of cruelty that.

200 suspected jihadists prevented from leaving Australia for Iraq and Syria

Counterterrorism squads have prevented 200 suspected jihadists from departing Australian airports for the Middle East including at least three teenage boys this month, officials said on Wednesday. Officials had previously announced that two Sydney-born .

Middle East Updates / UN Security Council adopts Russian-drafted resolution.

. ISIS cash flows. Egypt frees two jailed Al Jazeera journalists on bail after more than 400 days; U.S.-led coalition pounds ISIS targets with 15 airstrikes since Wednesday; Retrial of Al Jazeera journalists jailed in Egypt set to begin. By Haaretz.

OTHERWISE: Ian Millhisers expos�� of the Supreme Court.

As Ian Millhiser illustrates in his trenchant, persuasive, and profoundly dispiriting book Injustices, the Supreme Court has consistently and unapologetically used its authority to thwart progress and perpetuate inequality. The child labor.. WATCH: Walter Russell Mead, Cardinal Dolan on MEs Persecuted Christians - Full coverage is now up of WRM and the Archbishop of New York talking about Christians in the Middle East... Once again, the Iraqi army fled. The fall��.

Daily News Feb 2015 | God Our Light!

23 Feb: An American defense official has said that 25,000 Iraqi troops with thousands of American and allied forces will attack Mosul and Islamic State forces in April or May. Other sources report that the US has been training��.

Homemade bomb explodes in central Cairo, two bombs found in Cairo airport

Islamist militants seeking to topple the government have carried out numerous bombing attacks on soldiers and police since the army toppled President Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood in 2013. Last week, Islamic States Egyptian affiliate staged .

Feb. 23, 2015- Iran forming third front against Israel.

France has deployed its Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier against the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) in Iraq, as part of the US-led military campaign, French media report, citing government officials... http://www.haaretz.com/news/middle-east/1.643806.. Tunisia, where a 2011 revolution overthrew a corrupt regime and sparked a season of Middle Eastern upheavals, has emerged as a relatively stable and well-off country with a secular, democratic government.

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