2004 - How Appealing - Above the Law
Secrecy critical to case, feds say; Judge may look at classified data before deciding if evidence in FBI terrorism sting should be restricted: The Times Union of Albany, New York today contains an article that begins, Federal prosecutors have filed a motion saying they intend to show a judge.. And in commentary, E.J. Graff has an essay entitled Self Defeat: Same-sex marriage will get routed at the polls Tuesday--but it wont matter online at The New Republic.
Artist creates computer generated monster faces that reveal how machines.
With enough time it would come close to a human face. Facebook uses a system called deepface, they find a face then measure 67 different control points ans they have an average 3D model which they warp into your face. They also do this kind of .
Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/11/2014 | Gates of Vienna
Natural News Tests Flu Vaccine for Heavy Metals, Finds 25,000 Times Higher Mercury Level Than EPA Limit for Water.. The Constitution Does Not Support Same-Sex Marriage, Homosexuality (Part 1).. Membership and influence are growing because the New York based Communist Party USAs rhetoric appeals to the lowest denominator, to those who are already on welfare, illegal aliens, and permanent residents coming from third world dictatorships, and��.
Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/26/2013 | Gates of Vienna
But because the bank is expected to yield approximately $5.4 billion to satisfy the latest agreement, it is estimated that those losses will be as much as 40 percent, more than four times the 9.9 percent that was part of the deal rejected.. As it turns out, these same oligrachs may have used the one week hiatus period of total chaos in the banking system to transfer the bulk of the cash they had deposited with one of the two main Cypriot banks, in the process making the��.
28. The Unraveling | The American Yawp
In 1971, the Nixon administration tried unsuccessfully to sue the New York Times and the Washington Post to prevent the publication of the Pentagon Papers, a confidential and damning history of U. S. involvement in Vietnam that was. Same-sex intercourse and cross-dressing were criminalized in most states, and gay men, lesbians, and transgender people were vulnerable to violent police enforcement as well as discrimination in housing and employment.
Google teaches its driverless cars to be more AGGRESSIVE to compete with.
The car will also drive closer to the vehicle in front than is recommended in the Highway Code, in an attempt to avoid other motorists from cutting dangerously in front of them. While this distance is recommended to give humans time to react to hazards.
Londons Bermondsey Square Hotel bought out by Muslim multi-millionaire
What next? Are guests in the linked hotel going to be asked to provide marriage certificates if they want a double room? Are same-sex couples going to be refused entry? The change was so swift that the hotels website and menus have not yet been.
Remains of an ancient settlement found on the bottom of the Aegean sea
Structural elements such fallen colonnades and walls were found along the coastline, and large boulders were identified as part of the original breakwater, at one time used for stopping the power of the sea from battering the workshop and settlement.
Legal Fiction
Thats a good thing, except those values related to only two areas - sexual areas including gay marriage and abortion, he said... He was a bit before my time. My first introduction to him at all was through Johnny Depps unflattering (though hilarious) portrayal of him in Fear and Loathing. But Billmon quoted him a lot, and anyone that Billmon really likes is probably worth reading... Think about it ��� how many people who live in NY or DC or LA are actually from there?
Now Showing in Berlin: Muhammad Beheaded - NYTimes.
Who cares what Muslims think? Their God is no more real than that of the Scientologist or Spaghetti Monsterists. What truly matters is stopping the gay terrorists from marrying, the war on Christmas and those who dont realize��.
November - How Appealing - Above the Law
Alabama clings to segregationist past; US state with racist history votes to keep separate schools for white and coloured children as part of constitution: The Guardian (UK) contains this article today. Posted at.. In Fridays edition of The New York Times: An article reports that After Victory, Crusader Against Same-Sex Marriage Thinks Big. In other.. The article proceeds to note that The race set a national record in campaign contributions for a judicial contest..
Abuse Tracker: January 2015 Archives
The New York Times. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS JAN. 31, 2015, 1:33 P.M. E.S.T.. VATICAN CITY ��� The Associated Press has withdrawn its story about two Polish-born prelates being investigated by Holy See authorities for alleged possession.. This myth overwhelms all contrary historical and scientific evidence and even human decency on so many issues and unnecessarily harms millions of women, children, couples, gay folks, divorced and remarried, et al.
alicublog: November 2005
MY WAR ON IDIOCY, HOWEVER, PROCEEDS APACE. Rod Dreher, former film critic of the New York Post and professional Ned Flanders impersonator, tells his fellow anti-aesthetes at NRO why he don gotta see no��.
Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/31/2015 | Gates of Vienna
More Italians Favor Civil Unions But Not Gay Marriage. ATHENS, Greece ��� A day after Greece appeared on a collision course with its creditors, new radical left Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has tamped down the rhetoric by vowing to pay off debts and not act unilaterally. Finance... The city of Milan is renting out the roof space to the hotel group until the end of 2016 for 118,000 euros a year, with part of the ticket proceeds to be donated back to the city of Milan.
Novas neutrino beam seeks to find out why our universe exists
By making moderate improvements in existing neutrino-detector technology, we can fit a detector system into a standard 20ft (7 metre) shipping container to monitor the Iranian heavy water reactor at Arak as part of a non-proliferation measure, said.
Sadness lasts 240 times longer than other emotions, study claims
Getting over a break-up, mourning a loved one or generally feeling down in the dumps can feel overwhelming. And now researchers have discovered this is because sadness lasts up to 240 times longer than other emotions, including feeling ashamed, .
Krebs Daily Briefing 2 February 2015 | Thomas Krebs
Investigating magistrates who sent Strauss-Kahn to trial with 13 others argue he knew he was dealing with prostitutes when taking part in sex parties in Paris, Lille and Washington from 2008 to 2011, a judicial source told Reuters... And its not a new question. A few years ago the New York Times, for example, hosted a debate in its opinion section about the worthiness of education spending. Meanwhile, audits regularly find wasted funds at the district level, including��.
Unholy Week at the Supreme Court - Crisis Magazine
If ���moral disapproval��� of homosexual conduct is deemed by the court unconstitutional, he told Justice Anthony Kennedy, the right to gay marriage will become a certainty. Kennedy pooh-poohed that comment at the time.
A3 software searches for new and unknown viruses and automatically REPAIRS.
Unlike a normal virus scanner on a consumer PC, that compares a catalogue of known viruses to something that has infected the computer, A3 can detect new, unknown viruses or malware automatically by sensing that something unusual is occurring in the .
Willow Garages Personal Robot 2 can find, clean and fold dirty washing
The teams technical innovation is a new computer vision-based approach for detecting the key points on the cloth for the robot to grasp. They say the approach is highly effective because it depends only on geometric cues that can be identified.
This Comment argues that Proposition 8 should spur the California legislature to clarify same-sex couples cohabitation rights because judicial precedents are inconsistent. Part I will explore the history and growing popularity��.
Pregnant man Thomas Beatie arrested for stalking his ex
Whats more, Beatie admits to putting the GPS device on the car, saying he even changed the batteries several times.. Earlier this year Thomas had accused Nancy of verbally assaulting him and his new girlfriend, Amber Nicholas. Thomas and Nancy were.
Krebs Daily Briefing 7 October 2014 | Thomas Krebs
In fact, just in its first week, weve learned a lot of new information about how the bailout architects��� then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, ex-Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke, and former president of the New York Fed Timothy Geithner... MONTGOMERY, Alabama ��� The U.S. Supreme Court today chose not to hear appeals from five states that sought to keep in effect their bans on same-sex marriage, bans which had been struck down by lower courts.
here - How Appealing - Above the Law
The Birmingham Post-Herald reported that Alabama set to ban sex toys.. Senator Critical of Proposal on Filibusters: In Fridays edition of The New York Times, Neil A. Lewis had an article that begins, The Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said Thursday that his partys proposal to change the... More On President Bushs Proposed Same-Sex Marriage Amendment: Part Two of a Series on Wise and Unwise Constitutional Amendments.
Woolly mammoths could be cloned and brought back from extinction say.
Woolly mammoths could be brought back from extinction after a preserved body of one of the ancient animals was found frozen in the snowy wastes of Siberia, scientists hope. The mammoth, which took its last steps around 40,000 years ago, is in such good .
What Barack Obama Needs to Learn from Richard. - TalkLeft
[Hofstadter] became especially agitated in 1964 when the Goldwater campaign raised, in his mind, the specter of a new radical right that, he wrote in The New York Times, had already forced the Republican Party to. From Nixons appeal to the silent majority to Karl Roves drive to save the country from gay marriage, Hofstadter anticipated the use of paranoia and status by conservatives in their drive for power... Democrats, for the most part, have taken the bait.
Amateur treasure hunter finds hoard of Anglo Saxon coins in Buckinghamshire
An amateur treasure hunter who uncovered one of the largest hoards of Anglo Saxon coins ever found in Britain - worth ��1million - almost missed the dig because he couldnt afford the petrol. Paul Coleman, 59, persuaded his son and a friend to join him.
Nasas Antares rocket explosion up close in amazing new video
Cameras recovered from the launch pad in Virginia have shed new light on disaster (still image shown). An OrbitalSciences Antares rocket failed and exploded seconds after launching from Wallops Flight Facility on 28 October. Officials later explained.
Goats are SHRINKING because of climate change, researchers find
The chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) is a goat-antelope species found in the mountains of Romania, the Pyrenees, the European Alps, the Tatra Mountains, the Balkans, parts of Turkey, and the Caucasus. It has also been introduced to the South Island of New .
Vampire Kashmir musk deer spotted in Afghanistan for first time in 60 years
Fangs for the memories: Researchers have spotted Kashmir musk deer (stock image) in the hills of Afghanistan for the first time in over 60 years. The endangered male creatures use their fangs during mating season to seduce females and fend off love.
Clare Balding: I won a bet with my mother that Id lose more weight than her
Clare Balding has revealed how she won ��2,000 from her mother ��� after they had a wager on who could lose the most weight. The TV presenter had decided she needed do something after catching sight of herself on screen looking as if shed been blown .
Same-Sex Marriages Proceed in Parts of Alabama, Amid Judicial Chaos
Amid conflicting signals from federal courts and the chief justice of Alabamas Supreme Court, some Alabama counties began granting marriage licenses to same-sex couples on Monday in a legal showdown with echoes of the battles over desegregation in the.